FasCat Podcast: Motivational Tips & Tricks for Cyclists

This week on the podcast we are talking about ways to help you stay motivated! That’s right motivational tips and tricks to beat the mid-winter blues and follow your plan.

Coach Frank with sound bites from Coaches Isaiah & Jake expand on using these 18 examples to stay motivated in order to achieve your goals:

1. Remember your goals!
2. Set a Daily Goal to FtFP (General McRaven’s Make your Bed EveryDay)
3. Make it Turn Green – same as above, daily goal
4. Indoor Training – lower the barrier to completion
5. If you have a 3 hour ride on your plan ride 1.5 hours one way so that you have to ride 1.5 hours to make it back home!
6. Ride a different bike than the day before
7. Ride in a new place or new route
8. Set an FTP – plan a 20 min field test and or a Strava PR into your plan
9. Travel to somewhere warm and sunny
10. Ask yourself what would Alaphilippe Do (WWAD)?
11. Coach Jake: Zwift Meetups / Group Rides
12. Coach Jake: get to Daylight Savings
13. Coach Isaiah: focus on progression goals
14. Coach Isaiah: focus on feeling faster / improvement sensations
15. Sweet Spot TSS rides when there are no group rides
16. Watch a Pro Race – like the World CX Champs in Ostend this past weekend
17. Buy a Training Plan
18. Hire a Coach

For more training tips and podcasts visit:

Links to things mentioned in the pod: