The Physics of how a Golf club actually works. [And how you can do it.]

I demonstrate why a golf club is so hard to use for many people and what they do wrong. Why you can’t swing toward the target. Why your ball slices. The simple physics of how the golf club actually works and which direction the force needs to be applied. The holy grail swing assures that the clubhead will be moving straight down the target line at impact. The impact position is actually a recoil from the direction of force. The golf swing is like a child swinging on a swing-set it needs to be wide and smooth. If you try to hit AT the ball the club won’t have the time it needs to square itself at impact. The direction of force needs to be applied to the club before the clubhead reaches the ball. It takes time for the energy to reach the clubhead and during that time we’re still turning so by the time the energy gets to the clubhead it’s well past the ball.

#holygrailofgolf #overhandgolf #effortlesspower #enjoygolf