How to Play Great Golf in Cold Weather

– Today, I want to talk about cold weather and what we do when we play in cold weather. Obviously our body doesn’t perform quite as well. So it’s important that you get a nice stretching routine before you maybe hit a few more balls than you would generally hit. And then most importantly, because our body isn’t working quite the same when it’s cold. You’re not going to hit it as far. So don’t fight it. Know that you’re going to swing in about 80% of your power that you normally do. And that’s okay. Golf needs more control than distance anyway, especially when it’s cold. Now I want to talk about the golf ball. So when the weather is cold, molecules contract, when molecules contract, they don’t expand. So the ball will not go very far.
So this golf ball is definitely going to go much shorter when the temperature is cold compared to when the temperature is hot. So I would say when you tee off first in the morning and it’s 45 degrees out and you normally hit an eight iron 150, you are now going to hit that eight iron around 135 in the summertime. If you hit an eight iron 150, you have a chance of hitting at 160 with the exact same swing. Your body’s a little more warmed up in the summer. The molecules are expanding in the golf ball. So the golf ball does do different things. When the weather is cold, our body does different things when the weather is cold. So I would rather you not fight that and deal with it.