This Mental Trick will Take the Pressure off your Short Putts!

Short 5 yard putts can be a real challenge. The mental trick shown in this video will definitely help to take the pressure off you and your putting and in so doing improve your short putt percentages.

0:00 I’m really looking forward to sharing this  little putting tip with you today, because,
over the years, it’s helped  my short putting so so much.
Hey there, I’m Vaughan and  welcome to Golf Beginner World.
As a golf teacher one actually  stands under a lot of pressure.Your
students look up to you. They listen to  everything you say.They do what you tell the to do
and try not to do what they’re not supposed to  do. And then they go and play golf with you –
they really expect you to play well. So  when it comes to these 4,5,6 foot putts,
you feel the pressure as a teacher. I know that  I am not alone. Every golfer , well most golfers,
do not like these short putts and it just  doesn’t look good when these things don’t go in.
Furthermore, it hurts our score.

1:10 So, this little  mental tip, this visual tip, has helped me to hole
so many more putts than I would have holed. I do the following: I concentrate beforehand as
well as I can on the speed. That’s why I do my  practice swings first while looking at the hole.
This is not the tip by the way. Then I align my  putter as well as I can to the starting point.
In this case it will be slightly left  of center, but not the left edge.

1:47 And now comes the tip: OK, after I’ve aligned  myself properly, I see the point, I see the hole.
And now, when I look at the ball, I  don’t only see the point on the hole,
I see a massive circle around the hole.  And I can now see a big hole of blue water.
All I am going to do now is put into this massive  blue hole. Which means I can’t miss! One has to be
careful though – after one’s aligned oneself  correctly, that one doesn’t move the putter.
OK, that’s perfect. I see the point. Now I see  this massive blue hole of water. Why water? I do
not know. It just relieves me now. I don’t have  any pressure anymore. And I just putt this ball
into the water and big surprise, the ball has gone  into the hole. It might sound a bit silly to you,
but it works, so give it a try. See you next time.  If you’ve liked this video please thumbs up it and
share it with all your beginner friends. I  want to help as many golfers as I can. Ciao.