Does Forward Head Posture Affect Our BALANCE? (A Neurologist’s Perspective)

If you are stuck with forward head posture, we’ve got your back… or at least your neck.

Last week we discussed the fact that some deformities are flexible, and others are fixed. If you have a developmental condition such as Scheunemann’s Kyphosis or severe DDD or previous fracture of the spine, you may not be able to correct your head forward posture.

You may have gone to your doctor and they have told you that your choices are to live with it, or to have a major surgery to try and correct the spinal alignment. Not great options, right! Here is where we come in. We will teach you to awaken the muscles that support your spine.

This will prevent or slow the progression of your arthritis or painful malalignment. But there could be more that we can do. I have always been a big believer in our body’s ability to adapt.

So, if we are stuck with head forward carriage, what can we do to try and decrease pain, improve balance and prevent falls?

This is where Dan the Brain Man, our very own Functional Neurologist comes in.

We are so excited to have Dan Gallucci join us today to review how our neck posture, eyes and ears work together and what we can do to try and stay upright and afloat when our head is stuck too far forward.

Here is the link for last week if you missed it or want to refresh what we talked about:


Welcome to the new “Ask Dr. B” live show! Here you get the chance to ask orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Erin Boynton your musculoskeletal pain and injury questions. Dr. B has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience over her 30 year career. She was the team surgeon for the Toronto Blue Jays for 10 years, is the current Medical Director of the Rogers Cup WTA Tennis tournament and has achieved too many awards and accolades to count.


ROM Coach is to your movement health and longevity what brushing your teeth is to your oral health and longevity – something easy to do daily/regularly that provides huge benefits.

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