Paul McCleery Podcast, Lifeboat crew and Ultra runner, Kickstart your confidence

Carl is with Paul McCleery who combines being a personal trainer with being a lifeboat crew and ultra runs.

He discusses what important in his life and why everyone should say yes to everything if they want to live every day in the best way they can.

Paul shares the ethos and mindset that have helped him overcome challenges and be able to help others in the community.

Life is for living and your confidence is just your ability to do something so all you need to do is say yes and get out there and do it.


My job tests me because it’s a people-orientated role and I have a massive expectation of myself.
With ultra runs it’s about the mental aspect, being able to overcome the challenges.
To compete in ultra-races, you have to believe yourself and take a gamble
Get out there and do what you need to do if you want to compete.
It’s important to find time for yourself. if you don’t look after yourself you can’t look after those who are important to you.
You have to get your priorities right if you want to be effective.
Being a lifeguard is an amazing opportunity to learn and help others, it’s about giving back to people and helping out
It’s vital you live every day in the best way you can.
Say yes to everything you can always say no later
Look for the experiences in life that are memorable so that you can look back on your life with no regrets.
If you say yes to someone you are creating accountability and are more likely to achieve
If you say no to someone you can’t go back and change your mind.
Confidence is just your ability to do something and to be able to achieve you need to identify what success it is that you want.


‘As part of the roundtable, you get to meet like-minded guys and contribute to the community’

‘Grab everything with both hands and just do it’

‘I love helping people and growing things that can help others’


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