Don't Aim For The Apex When You're Putting!!!

Hey, Quite The Chap here for GolfersRX. This is the starting line for my putt, and I’m sticking to it…maybe…possibly…now I’m not sure…in today’s video.

I think that when we’re reading our putts, a lot of us find the high spot of the putt, where it’s going to break…the apex and use that as our aiming point….and here is why that is a terrible idea. With the correct speed, you’re going to miss low every single time.

Let me show you on a diagram:

1. Here is your ball
2. Here is the hole
3. here is the line of your putt
4. here is the apex….
5. here is our actual starting line
7. …now, if we use the apex as our starting line…
8. …uh oh…we missed low

Yes, this is an exaggeration for dramatic and illustrative purposes…but is it really exaggerated? How many times have you missed a four-foot putt that didn’t even come close to looking over the edge of the cup…hands up… yeah, we all have.

Here’s my suggestion…

Read your putt
Determine the apex
Place a tee, a ball, or better yet, a tool like the Dead Zero at the apex.
Hit putts trying to hit the apex
Once you’re comfortable and have that automatic…move the Dead Zero just down from the apex.
And repeat the process…
The ball should pass on the outer edge of the Dead Zero and into the hole.

The apex is not your starting line…it’s on your line, but it is not your starting line. Find your apex and ensure that the ball starts on a line that allows it to pass through the apex. Practice hitting the apex instead of the hole. Budda bing, Badda boom, bobs your uncle.

Until next time, keep it simple.

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