Develop a Repeatable Putting Setup

Hey Quite The Chap here for GolfersRX. Is your putting setup the same every time? Is it sometimes like this and then sometimes like this and not the same at all…in today’s video.

A consistent setup over the ball is going to produce a more consistent putting stroke. Which produces consistent contact with the ball. Which produces a more consistent roll. Which produces more consistent distance control. Which produces more consistency in your scoring. Whoa! That’s a lot of consistency. But it’s true.

This game is all about inches and degrees and if we’re not consistent in what we do, why should we expect consistent results? We shouldn’t.

For a consistent setup over the ball…it’s simple:

Stand straight up
Extend your arms and putter straight out
Collapse your elbows until your massive biceps hit the side of your body
Flex your knees
Bend at your hips
Finally drop your hands

You should be in a comfortable position over the ball. Your biceps should still be connected to the sides of your body.

Now all you have to do is rock your shoulders.
Everything should move together. Shoulders. Arms. Hands. Putter head.

It’s simple. It’s compact. It’s tight. It’s repeatable. If ever you’re feeling loosey goosey over your putts…just stand up and go through the routine.

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Until Next time, keep it simple.