Golf app Trainingbird Affordable Champion Golf training App giving you instructions while practicing

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Trainingbird | The easy golf training instruction app for practicing on your own with guidance.
Finally the clever, affordable golf app for in ear instructions while practicing on your own. You always practice with guidance and you are therefore guaranteed to make more progress. Put in your ears and simply follow the short instructions. Repeat the exercise as often as you can to improve your brain and muscle memory.
Download this smart Golf training instruction App to practice better for only € 2,95 per month or € 29,95 per year meaning 2 month for free!

Why you learn to play golf more easily with Trainingbird
Trainingbird helps you to always practice in the right way. You can use it to prepare your golf lessons in consultation with your golf pro and get so much more out of it. A prepared golf lesson produces better results than an unprepared lesson. After your golf lesson, you will play better instead of worse because you did prepare yor golf lesson with Trainingbird and your increased self confidence.
It turns out that not only beginners but also advanced players find it very difficult to practice in between lessons. If you really want to make progress and you don’t want to quit, you should think of training two to three times a week under the guidance of a coach just like with most other sports. However, if golfers have to solve this with golf lessons, this frequency turns out to be too expensive for most of them.
That is why we have developed Trainingbird based on our positive experiences in other sports, in which players are usually guided during practice.

Trainingbird strikes 6 birds with one stone with in-ear coaching during practice.
1 Golfers immediately know how to start.
2 Trial and error changes in targeted practice and therefore less difficult.
3 Golfers are therefore less likely to get frustrated.
4 Preparing your golf lesson with Trainingbird increases the efficiency of the lessons.
5 The golf skill of the players increases more easily
6 And the good news for golf coaches is that research shows that as the golfer’s skill level increases, the demand for golf lessons will also increase.

Download this smart Golf training instruction App to practice better for only € 2,95 per month or € 29,95 per year meaning 2 month for free!