The Ruler In The Glove Chipping Drill

The ruler in the glove chipping drill.

In this video golf tip, Australian PGA Golf Professional, Brian Fitzgerald “The Golf Doctor” shows you a simple chipping drill using a glove and a ruler that will help you make better contact and improve your chipping. Using the ruler on the wrist drill is one of my most used golf tips in my every day golf coaching and golf instruction. Keeping your left wrist flat when chipping really will improve your strike and consistency when chipping.


I’m Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

Today I’m going to give you a quick little chipping drilln that’s going to help improve the contact of your chips, let it roll out more and stop hitting behind them and just really improving your contact. Stay tuned.


How do we chip it better? How do we make better contact?. Well today is a simple little exercise that I’m going to give you that is really going to improve how you make contact.

So for this exercise we need a golf glove. So I have got my nice Mizuno cabretta glove and it’s white of course. because white as I have said in a previous video. White gives me the nicest feel.

I have also got half a ruler.And I’m wearing a watch. So all I need to do is put the ruler down the back of the watch and put it down the back of the golf glove. Just like that.

I then get out my 9 iron.And when I am practicing, what I’m trying to avoid is feeling that ruler digging in. Now if I collapse my left wrist and try and flick and try nd scoop the club. i am feeling pressure in that ruler. So instead what I want to try and do is avoid any pressure. i want to keep the angle in my left hand and my left wrist.

if I can do that I am going to hit the ball quite solidly and I should be able to land it in the circle that I have got here.

So I have my hands slightly in front. i have my club a little bit more vertical than normal as I have said in my previous chipping videos.

Then as I hit it landed just in the edge of the circle, but there is no pressure on my left wrist.

if I start to do things like that then I can feel that pressure there and you can see actually I wasn’t trying to hit that ball but it really made an awful contact.

But I can feel that pressure digging in. It actually hurts.

So trying as much as we can to try and let that wrist stay on the same angle all the way through the shot.

And that landed in the circle beautifully and there was no pressure on my left wrist.

If you can do that you are going to hit better chips, more consistent roll and you won’t have bad contact.

Simple little drill but it’s worth it.

Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I’m Brian Fitzgerald.

The Golf Doctor.

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Please watch: “Draw The Line On Your Belly Button Putting Drill”
