Part of increasing your clubhead speed is widening your swing arc. The wider the swing arc, the faster the club swings. This is a great image and driver drill you can be doing to get the widest swing arc possible.

So many students I see have a chicken wing as the swing the irons and driver through impact. This is due to hitting the ball with the arms. In doing so, they narrow their swing arc and lose clubhead speed.

To eliminate the chicken wing and widen your swing arc you need a different thought. This is a great driver drill (that you can also do with irons) to finally get the feeling of a wide arc. Once you get the feeling you simply apply this to your shots.

So if you are looking to increase clubhead speed and start hitting longer drives and pure irons then start doing this drill asap. Do it at home if you are in a winter climate. This takes repetition so you get used to the new feeling. If you keep doing this over the winter you will increase clubhead speed and widen your swing arc for next season allowing you to hit long drives and pure irons.

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