GOLF VIDEOS FOR REAL PEOPLE? Equipment reviews and recommendations for high handicappers/beginners.

A brand new golf channel for the rest of us! Not everyone can hit the ball straight. I love watching reviews but when the person swinging the club is smashing the ball 300 yards and straight on every swing, it makes me question how much value the review has for ME! I decided to create a golf channel for the rest of us.
Be warned – I’m brand new to making YouTube videos so sound quality, lighting, and video editing are going to be pretty rough until I get it figured out.
In future videos I’ll talk about my golf experience, my handicap, problems specific to me (and probably the majority of us) – and I’ll give you the truth about just how much those game improvement irons will (or won’t) help until you can improve your swing.

I’d love to hear your opinions, comments, questions and suggestions – so please drop me a note in the comments!