Srixon Golf Irons Comparison: ZX5 vs. ZX7 | Trackman Test & Feedback

In this Srixon Golf Irons Comparison, 2nd Swing’s Drew Mahowald and master fitter Thomas Campbell review and test the new Srixon ZX5 and ZX7 irons. The models both deliver terrific aesthetics and boast a lot of similarities. However, the differences between the Srixon ZX5 and Srixon ZX7 irons are distinct enough to show in testing.

Nonetheless, this golf irons comparison shows that both the Srixon ZX5 and ZX7 irons would be great options in 2021 and beyond.

The Srixon ZX5 and Srixon ZX7 irons will be in 2nd Swing stores beginning on January 15, 2021.

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