Missing To The Right..? Here's Why & How To Fix It…

This review by Chris Ryan is worth a re-post, it is a few years old now but still 100% relevant if you want to understand how the GFORCE shaft actually works. This is a quick version and the full video is in the link at the bottom of this page.

There are a couple of stages of progression with the swing trainer, the first one is getting a consistent strike. If strike is something you struggle with when using the swing trainer you need to address your setup then swing tempo which will dramatically improve your consistency of strike. You can find all these tutorials on my YouTube channel and then work on steps 1 – 5 & setup and swing drills.

Then the next stage of progression is learning and understanding how to hit the ball straight with the swing trainer, no doubt your first experience will be high shots 40 yards to the right of the target out of bounds. But don’t make the mistake of compensating by rolling your hands to square the face, because when you switch back to your normal 7 iron it will go out of bounds left.

Firstly you actually need to understand how to hit the ball left with the swing trainer by unloading the shaft which Chris will demonstrate for you, then you can work on straightening it out and transferring the feeling to your normal 7 iron.

The key is to understand how unload the GFORCE shaft which squares the face, as Chris explains very well in this video about deceleration of the arms and hands which accelerates the club head unloading the shaft.

This is the correct sequence on the downswing which every tour player does consistently and one which is very difficult to teach a golfer, that is why I developed the clubs to enable you to self-teach from feedback from Strike, Ball Flight and Feel which the trainer does a great job.

The problem with most golfers is rather than allowing the hands and arms to decelerate from the natural releasing of the club, they force them through in an effort to speed up the club preventing the GFORCE shaft from unloading on time resulting in high shots to the right.

This is by far one of the best demonstrations using the swing trainer, below are some reference links I did based around this subject 🙂 stuart

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Full Video with Chris Ryan – – All Rights Reserved | Copyright 2020