Dustin Johnson Slow-Motion Golf Swing Analyzed by Claude Harmon | Golf Digest

PGA golfer Dustin Johnson’s golf swing gets analyzed by golf instructor Claude Harmon.

“Dustin Johnson is one of the best athletes
on the PGA Tour.
And he has a golf swing to match that.
He has huge arms and legs at six foot four,
and he uses these long levers for power.
So what we’re going to see here is
even though Dustin takes the golf club
and gets it very very shut at the top of his backswing,
it’s a golf swing that produces tremendous power
and, believe it or not, tremendous control.
Where Dustin gets into trouble is if he starts to slow down
as he comes into the impact zone.
So when you see the left wrist very very bowed
from that position.
Which you can play from that position as long
as you go ahead and continue to turn your body
and rotate towards the target.
So on the downswing, the body rotates
and Dustin applies the power.
Dustin has an athletic setup, which allows his upper body
to turn around a very stable lower body
and create tremendous power.
One of the things to try and copy
is the extension through impact.”

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Dustin Johnson Slow-Motion Golf Swing Analyzed by Claude Harmon | Golf Digest