WOD Talk and Demo with Coach Kyle 5 x 3 minute 400m 10 LR KBS AMRAP Burpee

5 x 3-Min Rounds* FIT
400m Run
10 KB Left-arm Swings (70/53/Heavy)
10 KB Right-arm Swings
ARMAP Lateral Burpees

*Rest 3-Minutes Between Rounds

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Scaling and At-Home Variations

400m Run
Fitness Level Scaling:
7:30 – 10:00 Best Mile: Alternate between 400m and 200m Runs
10:00+ Best Mile: 200m Runs
***All Runs today must take under 2-minutes to provide the right stimulus from this workout, so scale accordingly.

10 KB One-arm Swings (70/53/Heavy)
Equipment Substitutions:
~14 One-arm Kettlebell Swings (53/35/Medium)
~14 One-arm Dumbbell Swings (50/35/Heavy)
~20 One-arm Dumbbell Swings (35/25/Medium)
~20 One-arm Ruck Swings

ARMAP Lateral Burpees
Fitness Level Scaling:
~Jump laterally (sideways) over something smaller or a line. Do not step over.