Episode 232: Expert Insights, Part 3 – Health Optimization

(Breather) This episode is full of life-changing insights from an assortment of experts on the subject of health optimization and biohacking. 

Sure, we all already know about the importance of building healthy habits, but taking it a step further and learning why your brain prefers to engage in the familiar will leave you more motivated to actually make those necessary changes that optimize your health. And this goes beyond the physical — mental health obviously stills falls under the umbrella of health optimization, and this show will prompt you to ask yourself many thought-provoking questions, like: can I make it through one day with no whining, no complaining, and no excuses? 

Some other key points covered during this episode:

The importance of service. Tom Bilyeu of the popular Impact Theory YouTube channel says: “Work your ass off at something you care very deeply about to get very good, so you can serve not only yourself but others.”

Because the brain tends toward down wiring to save energy, try to be intentional about creating new habits. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to create a morning routine you can stick to, as it sets you up to be a more disciplined person throughout the day. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself slipping into old habits.

Do your best to protect yourself against EMF exposure. “We don’t know certain effects on humans, but we do know that rates of autism have risen from 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 68 in a very short time, a few generations,” Tommy Wood comments, and chances of developing Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and other cognitive decline conditions are now 1 in 2. Experts believe this is strongly correlated with environmental pollution, particularly EMF, as well as dietary choices (forget about Type 2 Diabetes, watch out for Type 3!). 

Fast on days you fly. When you’re on a plane, you’re exposed to a lot of EMF. But when you are in a fasted state, your internal antioxidant production is boosted. Also, if you fast and wait to eat until after you’ve arrived at your destination, this will greatly help your body adapt more quickly to the time difference.

Protect your personal reputation.
Value your time more than your own possessions. Be early. Pete Caroll points out that there is a difference between being early and being on time: Being early demonstrates not just high regard for yourself, but also for others, while showing that you have discipline and focus. 

Thanks for listening!

Product Links
Male Optimization Formula w/ Organs – MOFO!

Brad’s Macadamia Masterpiece

Butcher Box Home Delivered Meat

Dry Farm Home Delivered Sugar-Free Wines

Vuori Clothing

RAOptics Blue Light-Blocking Eyewear

Primal Kitchen Collagen

Organifi Gold Powder

Perfect Keto

Iron Neck