AAU Rail City Outlaws Iron Club

Introducing the AAU Rail City Outlaw Iron Club! Partnering with American Iron Sports Foundation, this program hosts a group of local high school athletes looking to better themselves, physically and mentally, through the world of strength sports. On this team, we cover the proper fundamentals of the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Lifting safely is the first step to strength.

Here you have Coach Jacqueline Wickens demonstrating some key points of the Bench Press.

A huge thank you to Coach Rose, Trevor Gardner, and the AISF volunteer strength coaches who are generously giving their time and expertise to our athletes and the sport of powerlifting.

The AAU Rail City Outlaw Club is accepting applications from Local Reno High School Athletes.

Practice/Training is each Saturday from 4pm-6pm@ American Iron Gym

Please reach out to Nathan@american-iron.comwith interest, questions or for more information.

There are limited spots left and due to Covid-19 regulations, we may not accept every single applicant. American Iron follows all local and AAU Specific Health Protocols.