CREEK Fishing The Most Pressured TROUT Creek In Pennsylvania

Creek fishing has been extremely tough with all the fishing pressure in Pennsylvania this year. Today I head to the most pressured creek I know of for a little wild brown trout fishing. This is the biggest trout stream in the area and also the most well known. With other anglers casting at the fish I want to catch using the right lure can be the difference between catching some fish or going home empty-handed, so I always have my favorite trout spinners with me when I go creek fishing. Pennsylvania fishing is tough especially when the seasons are changing, but with a little bit of exploring and a giant arsenal of lures there is still plenty of good trout fishing left in the season.
Creeks like this are very rare and the small population of wild brown trout that live here are very delicate. I don’t disclose certain creek locations to protect these trout. If you know of any of the locations depicted in my wild trout fishing videos I greatly appreciate you not publicly posting them, so there will always be trout in these amazing little creeks.

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