Quick Tip To Spin Your Wedges

SPINNING YOUR WEDGES SHOT – PGA Professional Robin Symes gives a quick, simple tip to spin your wedges more!

Hi, Robin here. That spinning wedge shot, it’s a shot we all want to hit. But many of us have the wrong concept. Many players believe to get their wedge shot spinning, they need to strike down the golf ball a lot, trapping the ball between the ball and the turf taking quite a big divot. That’s simply not the case. To get your wedge shot spinning, to get these 40, 50, 60, 70 yard wedge shots spinning, your contact should be very clean.
There should only be a slight downward angle of attack on the ball. If the fairway you are playing off is reasonably firm, that should equal almost no divot at all. So it’s a very short video. I just want clean up your concept, so when you are practicing, or hitting your wedge shots your working on the right thing. Work on trying to take the ball as clean as you can off the top of the surface. That will give you the best chance of hitting these wedge shots, with a little bit of spin and a little bit a control.

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