Standing Up – How to Stay Down on the Ball in Golf

Standing Up – Golf Swing Error: How to Fix

Standing up during the golf swing is an error commonly associated with the lifting your head up classic advice. While it is perfectly normal and indeed encouraged to allow your head to rise – to lift your head up – after impact with the ball it is strongly discouraged to allow your upper body to rise before impact with the ball.

The problem with standing up before impact is that it usually produces a thin or topped shot. This comes from the fact that your hands – along with your upper body – moved up from your initial setup position and in doing so pulled the low point of your club path up as well. This is why you will likely hit thin, topped or skulled shot if you are standing up before impact.

Use this drill to help you stay down on the ball. Hold your club in front and across your chest with your hands and make sure the grip end of the club points straight ahead at the target. Perform a practice backswing and see that the grip end points at the ball when you reach what would be your top of the swing position. Continue on to your downswing and make sure that the clubhead end of the club now points at the ball at what would be your impact position. If you are raising your upper body during your backswing or downswing you will be able to detect it through your club no longer pointing at the ball but pointing up from the ground.

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