Perfect putting grip pressure Use these 3 keys to make more putts!

How loose is too loose?

One of the first things that changes under pressure is your grip pressure. Golfers hold on tight in an attempt to control the results, even though that makes control even more difficult.
If you’ve ever felt your hands tense up, then you know you need a way to consistently apply to correct grip pressure
Use these 3 keys
1. Your arms are hanging. If your arms are tense to start out, you have no chance of finding light grip pressure.
2. Your putter is barely touching the ground.
***How light can you hold the putter to steady the face while it hangs, barely touching the ground? This is your challenge for finding the perfect grip pressure.
3. Now you have to maintain…this is where even the best putters can become inconsistent. Maybe you’re really good in general at limiting tension, but occasionally it creeps in…Now you’re telling yourself to hold it lightly, but your grip is flimsy and inconsistent. Step 3 is maintaining all of those little pressure points in your hands. The pressure should remain consistent throughout the stroke
I hope this helps!
Selling your house is also about giving tension and control to get the best results possible.
Steps 1 is to send me a message.
I get the results…You play golf…
That’s it!
Sincerely Yours,