302: Nick Mueller: How to Create Mobility That You Can Take to the Golf Course!

This week we’ve got one of my favorite people in the entire world on the show with us: Nick Mueller. Nick is one of the elite golf fitness coaches in North America. He is now venturing out on his own with his project “The Mobility Caddie” and “MC Sport Kinesiology,” and his coaching program so we talk about that and how he is working with the elite golfers in his area.
Nick is truly one of the golf worlds foremost experts in the concept of soft tissue myofascial work, fascial stretch, mobility, all of these different pieces that you want to implement into your training and workouts to facilitate you moving better in the golf course and on your swing so grab your golf pencil and paper and lets dive in.

Highlights from this Episode
• Nick and I catch up on his new business venture, The Mobility Caddie, what he’s been doing with online training and how he has been helping his golfers through this turbulent time.

• His unique spin on the golf fitness world in his work and knowledge on soft tissue myofascial, fasical stretch, and mobility through adding stability and how he maximizes what his clients currently have without adding more stress to the body unnecessarily.
• What guys need to start implementing more in the mobility work like restoring joint range of motion and what role strength training plays in helping to facilitate that.

• The correct and incorrect scenarios that people use foam rollers and how it can vary based on intent or what they are trying to accomplish. He walks us through each step of integrating active mobility into a golf swing from the front hip rotation to feeding your nervous system in all three planes of motion.

Find out more about Nick at:

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