The Convincing Argument with Jeff Ritter! – Nike Junior Golf Camps

A great way to prime yourself for a big year of golf is with a cool mental toughness exercise known as the convincing argument. So here is what I want you to do.

I want you to pretend that you are presenting to a panel of judges, an argument in your favor, for why you are going to play some amazing golf this year or in general. I want you to talk about the coaching you received, maybe the fact that last year you finished really strong. At the end of this argument, you want the panel to look at each other and say “I believe him”. I believe he or she is destined for great things on the golf course. When you are doing this you aren’t trying to convince the panel, rather you are trying to convince yourself. Remind yourself that you deserve to be experiencing great things out on the golf course.

The exercise is called the convincing argument, and it is one of the best things you can do to improve your game.