Correcting Your Over The Top Golf Swing


One of golf’s most common flaws associated with novice players, coming over the top on your swing results in huge frustrations towards the sport, in the form of missed shots and expanded handicaps.

Most players that are habitually coming over the top on their golf swings are doing so because of overworking the muscle groups in their upper body, specifically during their downswing transition.

Causing their club to veer to the outside of the correct swing plane, the clubhead then connects with the ball on a path that travels from outside to inside.

Understanding the dire need to correct over the top golf swings, George Gankas golf lessons focus on assisting players in the development of corrective motion in relation to a player’s existing swing.

Credited by golfers around the world for turning their performances around, the GG Swing Method, which George Gankas golf lessons serve as the basis for, continues to be one of the world’s most popular online golf academies in existence.

Novice players and even some golfers with playing experience suffer from habitual over the top golf swings, but there are several ways that focused training can be applied in order to eradicate this flawed swing style.

Sometimes players who suffer from bodily limitations in motion and flexibility can attribute their over the top golf swing to these circumstances.

However, through exercise and training, even the most limited golfers can stop coming over the top and deliver amazing shots on the course or at the driving range.

Many players must focus on shifting their body weight from foot to foot correctly, as any imbalance in this weight distribution can easily lead to an over the top golf swing.

This inability to distribute body weight between the feet will cause several problems during our downswing transition.

As our lower body struggles to distribute our body weight through the downswing transition, the muscle groups in our upper body begin to override the downswing motion, creating the over the top swing plane that plagues countless players each day.

While being able to effectively distribute body weight from side to side relies on lower body strength, a stable core muscle group and flexibility in a player’s hips, there are still many able bodied players that are unable to separate the motion in their lower body from their upper body simultaneously.

For those players that are weak in certain muscle groups there are a variety of golf fitness programs that can correct any misplaced motion during an over the top golf swing.

During these exercises, players work to disassociate their lower body movement with that of the upper body, which will develop their lower body strength, which powers nearly every successful golf swing.

Other than weak muscle groups and an inability to separate lower body motion from the player’s upper body, there are several other factors that may be the cause of your over the top golf swing.

Sometimes novice players frantically move through their golf swings, looking to strike the ball with either increased speed or force.

While doing so definitely speeds up their golf swing, it also deconstructs the tempo behind their swing, causing an imbalance in their swing posture, which often leads to an over the top golf swing.

Speeding like this diminishes your downswing transition, in that it does not provide enough time to develop this component of your golf swing.

Most players will unintentionally raise their golf club while transitioning to their downswing, while they turn the rest of their body in line with their intended target, coming over the top in the process.


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