How to Punch Like Mike Tyson, Power Punching Training

For the haters: I’m not Mike Tyson, nor do I have his size or his power. What I have done though is I have spent decades studying him, hist style, his training techniques and his power. I’ve dissected the things that allow him to hit so hard and used those techniques to develop my own punching power. I went form being a guy that stops his opponents due to accumulation of damage, to developing a one punch knockout power.

If you want to punch like Mike Tyson there are a few things you want to do.

First you want to adopt a peekaboo stance which will allow you to get more leverage from your punches.

You want to keep your shoulders high, and get your back and shoulders into every punch as you rotate the strength from your legs and your hips.

Most importantly though, you want to throw each punch to their its potential if you want to hit like Mike Tyson.

Let’s dive into more detail in the video.