DIY Yak Tracks, Cheap Ice and Snow Traction for Winter Trail Running Shoes

The amount of traction these add is amazing for how simple of a solution it is. I didn’t invent this, but thought I’d make a concise video to help get this out there for those who want to keep running when things get slick. I’d probably reserve these shoes for trail running and snow covered roads only. If you encounter much dry pavement these are going to be annoying and potentially slick, whereas on trail you can’t even feel them… Yeah, mine are on Hokas, so I don’t feel much of anything.

Between filming and posting this video I took these shoes out for a five miler on a steep, icy, snowy trail and they performed beautifully. The inside of the shoes felt normal and the traction was so impressive. The screws showed no sign of loosening. Having a few spikes on the heel gave me a lot of confidence on the steep descents.

If your shoes are on the minimalist side you’ll want to go with a much shorter screw and avoid putting spikes anywhere but the thicker perimeter edge of the sole.

Homemade YakTrax, Kahtoola, Spikes, Cleats