Quintic Ball Roll – Live Club Biofeedback

This is a feature within the v4.4 version. Putter face aim is often left to chance. Of course, the player is trying to align the putter to the target, but in reality how close are they? How can you measure the face aim accurately? The purpose of LIVE Face Angle is to provide the golfer (and coach) immediate biofeedback as to their putter alignment. This is done by the software calculating the putter face angle in real time and providing audio beeps to represent open or closed to the target.

There are different ranges to work within, for example 0.25 degrees open or closed (very hard) to 1 degree open or closed. The user can chose which setting the biofeedback is set. If somebody always aims 2 degrees open to the target, it is very difficult for them to consistently square the putter face at the moment of impact. Why have such compensations in your stroke?

Quintic Ball Roll displays the Face Angle both numerically and auditory in order to provide instant feedback to the user. The LIVE Club feature can also be used for lie and shaft angle ranges.

Which putter best suits your eye and alignment, does a change in posture or eye position aid in putter face alignment?

#quintic #putterfitting #putterface #alignment #92% #faceaim