Professional Nearly Slam Dunks Their Ball, Damaging Hole – Golf Rules

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Playing his second shot, Aaron Rai nearly slam dunked his ball into the hole. Unfortunately it damaged the side of the hole. Are the player’s allowed to repair the hole?
Yes, Interpretation 13.1c(2)/2 states:

Damage to the hole is covered by Rule 13.1c as part of damage on a putting green. The player may repair a damaged hole unless the damage is natural wear that Rule 13.1c does not allow to be repaired.

For example, if the hole is damaged in removing the flagstick, it may be repaired by the player under Rule 13.1c, even if the damage has changed the dimensions of the hole.

However, if a hole has been damaged and the player cannot repair the damage (such as the hole cannot be made round again) or where natural wear that the player may not repair results in the hole not being round, the player should request that the Committee repair it.

In this case, they choose to call the Committee in to help them repair the hole.
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