How to Rake a Bunker – Golf Rules

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Your ball comes to rest outside the bunker, but with the bunker between your ball and the flag. Are you permitted to rake the footprints you just created in the bunker, even though this would improve your line of play?
Yes, this is permitted.

No Restrictions After Ball Is Played Out of Bunker.

After a ball in a bunker is played and it is outside the bunker, the player may:

Touch sand in the bunker without penalty under Rule 12.2b(1), and
Smooth sand in the bunker to care for the course without penalty under Rule 8.1a.
This is true even if the ball comes to rest outside the bunker and:

The player is required or allowed by the Rules to take stroke-and-distance relief by dropping a ball in the bunker, or
The sand in the bunker is on the player’s line of play for the next stroke from outside the bunker.

But if the ball played from the bunker comes back into the bunker, or the player takes relief by dropping a ball in the bunker, the restrictions in Rules 12.2b(1) and 8.1a again apply to that ball in play in the bunker.
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Golf Rules