Preparing to practice or play in the heat – by Greg Greksa

As a PGA Teaching Professional, we play and practice in all kinds of weather. We play when it’s cold, we play when it rains, we play when the weather is perfect and we play when it’s extremely hot. Most average golfers only play when the weather is perfect and more often when it tends to get warm or hot. You must always be prepared for changes in the weather.

Preparing for playing or practicing in the heat is not too difficult. A little common sense goes a long way, so here are some simple reminders for keeping your energy level high & staying prepared:

• Keep your practice sessions short
• Drink a lot of water — stay hydrated
• Wear light colored and breathable clothing
• Always have a hat and sunglasses
• Wear sunscreen and have lip balm or chap stick
• Carry a couple of towels and keep one damp with water
• Eat healthy foods — fruits, vegetable & nuts

Drink a large glass of water before you head to the golf course. You must try to keep your energy level high when playing in hot and humid conditions. When you drink beer and eat unhealthy, you’ll lose your energy and won’t perform at your highest level. Plan to have your beer after your round is complete.

If you are in the Raleigh / Durham area and would like to schedule a golf lesson, please contact me through his website at:

All the best in golf,

Greg Greksa
PGA Professional
Director of Instruction
Grexa Golf Raleigh
Cleveland / Srixon Staff