57 Biggest Mistakes Beginners to the Gym Make (From My Instagram Fam)

Here they are, the biggest mistakes that beginners to the gym make. From bad lifting form to not training legs to no plan to dirty bulking, here are the 57 biggest ones from the comments on my question.

If you are a beginner to the gym, don’t make these mistakes! You really can not only waste a lot of time that you could spend building muscle or losing fat, but many of these mistakes can be straight-up dangerous!

Send this to a friend who’s a beginner in the gym, or share it on social media…friends don’t let friends miss some gains!

0:00 Geoff Says Hello
0:19 Not hydrating
0:41 Strict Dieting & Training Heavy
1:16 Gotta be Sore?
1:54 No Progressive Overload?
2:20 Too heavy, damaged myself
2:43 Too Low calories, lost muscle
3:22 Bad Form After 1 Month
3:57 Poor Form, Not Learning Good Form
4:14 Dirty Bulking, Got Fat
4:46 Protect Shoulders and Lower Back
5:16 More Exercises=Good Workout?
5:44 Not Having a Plan/No Nutrition
5:55 Rep Ranges, Too Slow on Overload, Ego Lifting
6:40 No Warmup
6:53 Fuckin Around Without A Program
7:30 Expensive Gym
8:02 Not Warming up/Resting Enough
8:17 Not Hitting on The Yoga Instructor
8:30 Whey Protein is a Steroid
8:55 Bicep curls…BRACHIALITIS??
9:10 Too Much Variation/Failure
9:43 Not Following Beginner Plans
10:14 Following Athlean-X
10:39 Addicted to Progressive Overload
10:47 Bad Form, No Compound Movements, No Legs, Long Rests
10:54 Did legs 5x per year
11:10 Too Much Bloody Volume
11:24 Not Warming Up enough/Eating Enough
12:15 Too many Pushing Movements, No Back
12:39 Trusted the Big Idiot
13:12 Too much Isolation/Ignoring Legs
13:33 Poor Technique, Ego Lifting
14:01 I Gave Up
14:33 Not Listening to my Body, Blindly Following a Program
14:54 Bad Technique
14:56 No Problems, Got a Trainer
15:07 Had a Bad Trainer/Too Much Core
15:31 Bad Form, Bad Programs
16:00 No Plan, No Goals
16:16 Tried to Outtrain Shitty Diet
16:39 Only Diet Abs
17:04 Barbell Rows with Weak Core
17:21 Lots of Cardio, But Regained Weight
17:53 Vanity Muscles/Tendonitis
18:07 Legless
18:23 Everything
18:29 Magazine Workouts
19:00 Unrealistic Expectations
19:42 Lots of Stuff
20:30 Bad Form
20:39 No Progressive Program
20:58 Imbalances
21:36 Pushing Through PAIN
21:57 3 years no legs (SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!)
22:09 Not listening to my body
22:28 RICE fiasco
22:35 Not Eating
22:36 Geoff Says Peace

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