Empowerment Meditation

This meditation is focused on tapping into our internal energy. Our internal power. And going through this process of empowerment. Of finding our inner strength and uniqueness.
Empowerment is the process of becoming strong and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s right.

Welcome Friends to our Grip It Girl Wellness Series. This Series is focused on bringing health, wellness and positive energy to you on and off the golf course. We have included a variety of stretches, exercises and meditations to keep your mind and body healthy.

Find a quiet room, free for distractions. in a cross legged position either upright or against a wall. Gift yourself this moment of serenity and stillness. Opening yourself up to receiving universal love and enveloping peace.

Empowerment is the truest form of love, power and connectedness. It can be all things and nothing, but what remains constant and true is it is you. It is apart of your being, your essence, your spirit.

It’s your heartbeat, your smile, your struggles and fears. It is within you at all times, we just need to remember it’s there. There to give support, encouragement and unconditional love. Be still in those moments of confusion and struggle and allow it to emerge from within. Stay connected and open to this truth and your greatest form of existence will be discovered.

Let go of who you think you should be and just being who you are. Create space between our pure humanness and your struggles, hardships, fears or worries. With this new sense of control and confident, begin to face your fears, biases, expectations head on, knowing they are not a part of you but rather a fabricated distraction. And letting them go. Breath in and out, continuing to release yourself from these thoughts. From any negativity. Bring yourself back to the beautiful and peacefulness of this present moment.

Mantra: I am strong. I am confident. I trust in myself and open myself up to receive the universal energy that is in me and all around me.

I am empowered. I radiate strength and love and inspire those around me to do the same.

I open myself up to receiving the universal energy and peace.

Thank you for watching! We hope you enjoy this amazing golf journey of personal growth!
#learn #grow #golf #gripitgirl #golfjourney #golflessons #meditation

If you are interested in learning how to play golf we provide free lessons and tips on our youtube page

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Instagram: gripitgirl