How To Clear Your Hips In The Golf Swing | Flightscope Speed Drill

Click For Free Video: How To Clear Your Hips In The Golf Swing | Flightscope Speed Drill

We all want it…. SPEED!! If you are like most, you try to swing hard, but your body stalls out, your hands and arms take over, casting the club out away from your body, and your swing speed plummets. You have been told to keep those hips moving to get your body involved, but no matter what you try, it just isn’t working. What if I told you, it is nearly impossible to open your hips, if your kneed isn’t pointed in the correct direction to start the downswing. I know, it sounds crazy, but you’ll see why after you watch this video.

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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