Lamkin Golf Grip Tips: Releasing the Club

Learn more about properly releasing the club in your golf swing! In this video, Bob Lamkin and Brendan Steele discuss the impact of proper golf club grip size and pressure on club release during the swing. You’ll find exclusive tips from PGA Tour player Brendan Steele, as he helps to clarify this often mysterious aspect of the golf swing.

These golf veterans explain in detail, why releasing too early or too late can have a negative impact on the outcome of the shot. Learn how the proper grip size and adhesion can make the release consistent, and almost automatic.

Fitting golf grips is both a science and an art, players all have unique aspects to their swing, anatomy, and comfort preferences. Find the grip that will work best with your unique swing, and how it can improve your game, and maximize your potential.

Visit for a full range of golf grips and accessories.

{Video Transcript}

Bob: One of the comments that you said earlier just resignated with me. The golf grip is, when you’re fitting your grips, it’s part science, part feel. When you talked about releasing the golf club, if your grips are not fitted properly you could actually, could you release too early or too late, or not release at all?

Brendan: Yeah, definitely. You can do all three.

Bob: Okay.

Brendan: Depending on what your swing is and everybody’s got their own unique swing and their own intricacies to the swing, you’re going to need a different size grip. You’re going to need a different type of grip. You’re going to need a different firmness of the grip. You’ve got to make sure that’s very individual.

Bob: Right.

Brendan: You may see something you’re not even thinking of may be the right grip for you. Or may be the right size. May be the right density. Whatever the case may be, it may not be exactly what you think you need.

Bob: Sure.

Brendan: Or what your buddies have.

Bob: And also releasing the club to me, I think it’s really interesting to me because I don’t know if you consciously think about releasing the club, or because you have the right grip, the grip size, and the grip pressure will that club automatically release?

Brendan: I think that the club should automatically release.

Bob: Okay.

Brendan: If you’ve got everything else working correctly. So if you’ve got the right grip size, the right grip pressure, and you’re coming into the ball correctly, then it should release. Now if you have one of those things that isn’t working properly, then you might release early, you might release late.

Bob: Got it.

Brendan: You may not release at all.

Bob: Got it.

Brendan: It can be very specific to each swing. But those things are the most important things to make sure that you have all three.