How to Warm Up Shoulders and Rotator Cuff for Golf

How to Warm Up Shoulders and Rotator Cuff for Golf

Welcome to a brand new episode! Today we are working on our golf game. If you have been noticing lately in my story I’ve been hitting a lot of balls and getting a lot of practise.

Although I’m far from an elite golfer, my unique skillset as a kinesiologist definitely helps when trying to optimize my performance in this sport.
After doing some research and practising on my own, this sport is highly dependant on hip, trunk, and shoulder rotation as you swing the club with high velocity and precision.

If you have been inactive for sometime and gone to hit a bucket of balls, the next day you will definitely feel it.

Today I wanted to focus on the actual warmup for golf, too many fellas just show up and start cranking balls. If you actually spend sometime warming up not only will you move better, I can guarantee you will play better too. You will no longer needs 2-3 holes to get primed up.

Our focus today is the shoulders and most importantly the rhomboids and the serratus anterior.

The rhomboids are located in between our shoulder blades and are responsible for keeping our posture nice and upright. If you have weak rhomboids it’s likely you have band posture and limited mobility from the tightness in the mid back. Our first banded move attacks these muscles.

Next up is the serratus anterior. Now this is the highlight muscle of the show today in that this is one of the main muscles responsible for the golf swing. The serratus anterior is responsible for protraction of the scapula in addition to actually stabilizing the shoulder blade against the back. This is where the second banded move come into play.

All you need for this is a simple glute band (@sweatindustryapparel) and some time before tee-off.

Like I said in the video, go until it burns with both exercises, this will definitely ensure you are warmed up properly.

#TrainingWithScott #GolfWarmUp #ShoulderWarmUp
rotator cuff exercises