3 Golf Grip Types

3 Golf Grip Types. In this video golf tip, Australian PGA Professional Brian Fitzgerald “The Golf Doctor” shows you the 3 types of golf grips you can use to play golf. The Baseball grip, The Interlocking grip and the Vardon or Overlapping grip. The placement of your hands on the golf club is one of the important golf fundamentals. Get it right and you are on your way to good ball striking.

So if I take my grip. And then that’s the first grip. That’s called the overlapping grip.
If I show you the second grip. That’s called the baseball grip. And the third grip is the interlocking grip.
Now from this angle here you can’t see any difference between the 3 grips or if you can you may but there is very little difference and it is very difficult to tell from this angle.
So I’ll do it again.
I’ve got the Vardon grip or the overlapping grip as it’s also called.
We have got the Baseball grip. And then wee have got the interlocking grip. It’s very difficult to tell.
So now I am going to move in and I am going to show you what the three grips look like from close up.
So there’s the first grip.That’s the one we call the Vardon grip which is also called the overlapping grip.
So you can see that I have my little finger her on top there. A lot of people actually put it in that cavity in there but that is actually wrong. You can do it but I believe that builds too much tension in the hands. And we don’t want much tension. It’s much better if you can put it there. It feels weird it feels uncomfortable. But that’s what the best players in the world do.
So that’s the overlapping or the Vardon.
The ext one is the Baseball grip. Which is a legitimate grip. And that’s where all 10 digits are on the club.
The third one is the interlocking grip. So my fingers do that. They interlock. And that is the grip that was favoured by Jack Nicklaus.
I’m not a huge fan of this grip for most people because once again it builds a lot of tension in the middle part of my hand and we don’t want tension in the middle part of my hand.
I usually encourage this grip for small kids, older people. Anyone that hasn’t got a lot of hand strength. I find it’s really beneficial to use this this grip. But for the majority of people I’m happy for you to go with either the overlapping or vardon grip ah or sorry the baseball grip.
So they are the two of my preferred grips.
3 Golf Grip Types. So it doesn’t really matter which one you use. But they are the three legitimate grips.
The overlapping grip or the Vardon. The baseball and the interlocking.
The grip that I use myself is the overlapping or the Vardon. I find that works really, really well.
So we want to have control of the club head. if we have got too much tension in the middle part of our hand we lose the feel of the club head. So it’s really important we try and have a very light grip.
Over all I like a little bit more tension through the thumb and pointer finger because that helps you control the club. But overall it is a light grip.
So if you can learn to grip the club correctly. it is really going to help you. Because after all. The grip connects you to the club. If you have got a tow ball connecting a car to a trailer. The tow ball is pretty important. If you have got a lose tow ball. A disaster is just around the corner.
If it’s secure. It doesn’t have to be tight because the trailer moves on the tow ball. So we want a little bit of movement with our hands. So we don’t want a lot of tension. But we need to be able to control the club head.
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