Persistence – Rail to Crossfoot Pogo – Part 3

This trick is HARD!
No joke, this video right here is part 3, it consists of 3 different days, each one was meant to be part 3. I tried so hard each day, my body was giving out. You will notice that I stop pulling the board up from rail, and start getting to pogo with a fingerflip from tailstop. That is because my hand would lose the ability to grab and grip the deck!

Each day’s attempt required me to heal for 2-3 days before trying again. Those healing days sucked, being that tired and sore as a golf course grounds crew employee has never been harder. Ever weed whacked with a trimmer when you can’t grip the damn thing?! Ha ha ha… it sucked, trust. Oh, and the muscle cramps are real! Damn!

This war is not over. Last day in this video was yesterday morning, today I am healing again. Lol.

Please subscribe, part 4 will be the land.
If you’ve sat through all 3 parts of my fails, I WILL make it worth your while, and land this trick clean in part 4.

#neverquit #persistance #farrowskateboards