Shank correction- Slo Mo

Developed the worst shanks imaginable, literally had to walk off the course. Finally after a few years of massive, semi-suicidal frustration I am (almost) cured. I would say 99% of teaching Pros at the highest level to club pros do not have a clue how to cure the shank. I do. The shoebox drill, the clubhead cover drill, the 3 tee, the 2 ball, blah blah blah are totally ineffective the majority of the time. Especially any drill that promotes pulling your arms in toward your body on your downswing. It’s a totally unnatural act if your arms are moving away from your body already. Here’s the two things I did in my golf studio for 10 minutes and then drove five minutes to my home course and hit 125 balls on the range with a 7-iron and pitching wedge. At one point I hit 28 consecutive pitching wedges to within 5 yards of each other straight out onto the range.
Set the club down as if you are taking a practice swing away from the ball. Take your normal swing and purposely try and miss the ball. Secondly keep your weight more over your heels and stay there as you turn through the ball.My arms want to move away from my body slightly you can see that by the lines I’ve drawn on my video.Voila I am cured. Message me if you want any more concise details, there is no cost. Regards Bill