BUNKER BASICS FOR BEGINNERS. Episode 2, How to Open the Club Face in the Bunker.

In Episode 2, we discuss how to open the club face in the bunker. Does the face need to be square or open, why and when. In Bunker Basics for Beginners, how to open the club face in the bunker, we give you the sand trap help you need. We discuss everything you need to know regarding the face angle so you can hit great bunker shots from soft or hard sand. This is the second of a four part series for beginner golfers. It is time to improve your bunker play.

For a new golfer bunkers are challenging, it is hard enough to play off the grass and now it is impossible to play from the sand. Knowing how to open the club face in the bunker will improve bunker impact each time. Sand conditions are rarely perfect and never the same. The keys to good bunker play that we discuss will help you be more successful in all types of bunker lies and bunker conditions. To a new golfer bunkers are the worst. Everyone is so afraid of bunkers, its seems the goal is more to avoid the bunker than to hit the green. This series of beginner golf tips for the sand will drastically help your golf game.

In this video, how to open the club face in the bunker from the Short Game Pros, we teach you how to play a bunker shot golf. Do you know how to hit a greenside bunker shot? If not, we will teach you how to play a greenside bunker shot. If each of the four 5-minute videos in this Keys to good bunker play series we discuss a different basics that will help you get more efficient from the sand on the golf course. Sand trap help is essential for all new golfers because scoring is not just about a good golf swing. Learning to score in golf and creating a complete game is learning how to play all shots on the course and especially not being afraid of any.

All of the short game requests we get, help with bunker shots might be the number one request. I think the reason people want help with bunkers shots is first to eliminate all the bad theories, and the main thing they ask about is how much to open the club face. How the club interact with the sand, is largely due to how much the club face is open. A more square club face and an open club face will interact with the sand differently. Like every shot in golf, we can either keep it simple or over complicate it. In this video series keys to good bunker play we try to keep it really simple so you can improve your bunker game faster.

In this video series we discuss everything you need to do in the bunker for beginners. The topics we discuss are great for any golfer to get back to the basics, but especially helpful for new golfers. This information will help with bunker shot for juniors. The golf bunker shot for junior is the same as what we teach in this video series. To new golfers bunkers will be challenging until you practice these bunker basics. This tactics will help junior golfers learn the basics and it will help with the bunker shot for junior.

There are many keys to good bunker play and we cover them in this four part series, bunker basics for beginners. Do you need help in the bunker? If so, you are in the right place. This video series will help you get on track to hit better bunker shots today. If you are struggling with bunker shots, this video is for you. Golf sand help new golfer.

Thank you for watching Episode 2 of Bunker Basics for Beginners, how to open the club face in the bunker. We hope you keep watching and click Episode 3, so you can continue to improve your bunker shots.

Short Game Pros
