In this tip I show you a great drill to get more clubhead speed. It teaches you how to loosen your wrists throughout your whole golf swing. This is one of my best drills so make sure you do it consistently.

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If you want more club head speed doesn’t it make sense that you need a looser wrist hinge? I should because until now you have been swinging as hard as you can but not hitting your irons pure or hitting your driver longer.

So if you’re stuck spinning your wheels maybe there is a different way to get more distance. Watch this wrist hinge drill and within minutes you can start to loose up.

This drill is done with irons but you can do it with your driver too. You can do this at home, at the practice range or even when you play. The more you do it the looser your writs will become. The looser the wrists the faster the club will swing which will translate to longer irons and more driver distance.

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