Is Deceleration More Important than Acceleration in the Golf Swing?

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Believe it or not, I actually believe that the reason most amateur’s don’t hit the ball very far is not because of a lack of speed – it’s a lack of deceleration.

In fact, it’s not just a belief, it’s something that’s very easy to see when you have a typical amateur using any 3D motion technology that shows the kinematic sequencing.

I’ve been saying for years how critical it is to use your legs to hit the ball (watch my video on this very topic), and now other instructors using K-Vest, Gears and other 3D motion capture tools have been proving this idea correct.

As you’ll learn in this live lesson, you probably have PLENTY of speed, you just have it too much of it for too long!

Yep, you heard it here first, the reason there’s a super Wal-Mart between my tee shot and yours is because you’re swinging FASTER than me at the WRONG time!

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