Static Extension Position on Elbows

Static Extension Position on Elbows is an Egoscue exercise designed to bring the body back to balance. Posture is an airtight system and to change posture you need an exercise that engages the body from finger tips to toes. This exercise is much more challenging than it looks. If you experience any pain in this position do not continue. Not every exercise works for every posture type. Our motto is “no pain, no pain” rather than the one you may have heard before “no pain, no gain.”

This exercise may be effective in treating forward head posture, rounded upper back, excessive lumbar curve, anterior pelvic tilt, pelvic tilt disparity and more!

It also may relieve back, hip, shoulder, neck pain.

Here are the instructions:

Start with your shoulders over your wrists, your hips over your knees, with your fingers spread wide and middle fingers pointed straight. Don’t pitch forwards or backwards to start. Then drop down to your elbows, keeping your shoulders over your elbows. Walk your hands forward one hand length. Shift your weight back into your elbows. Create golfers grip in your hands. Collapse your shoulder blades and pull back with your hips to engage your hip flexors. Hold this position and then pivot on your elbows. It’s very important that you do not flex at your wrists. You should feel the work here. Try to hold a constant pivot on your elbows for one whole minute.