Strong vs Neutral Golf Grip (Benefits)

In this tip, I talk about a strong vs neutral grip again (I teach a neutral grip). The benefit of a neutral golf grip is that you don’t have to practice that much compared to a stronger grip.

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This is not to say you can’t try the strong grip. In fact, I want you to try it. Once you do, you’ll see the difference between them. A strong grip will have you hitting shots offline with hooks and pushes so you will clearly see that this grip versus a neutral grip is going to take you more practice to master.

A strong grip is a swing flaw because it causes you to hook the ball (as I demonstrate in this tip). If you keep hooking it, you will need another flaw (I show 5 of them) to straighten out your shots. This means you’ll now have 2 swing flaws which require timing and lots of practice.

So watch this grip tip. As you do, try to understand the difference between a strong or neutral grip. If you want to stick with a strong grip go right ahead. Me, I will continue to do a neutral grip and not practice all that much.

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