Golf Swing Mechanics Tip | How to Properly Incorporate New Changes to Your Golf Swing

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Ted Norby, Director of Instruction for the National University Golf Academy, explains how to slow down your golf swing so you can more easily incorporate new changes to it. To discuss this golf tip with other golfers and share your own, leave a comment below. We look forward to your feedback.

I’m Ted Norby, Director of Instruction for the National University Golf Academy. I’m going to talk to you a little bit today about how to affectively make changes. Giving lessons and watching people take lessons and working on their game most people kind of go about it incorrectly. They take a lesson, they’re working on their swing, but they go full speed. They’re still trying to hit it as hard as they can. That doesn’t allow your brain to effectively feel the changes that are going on. If I hit an 8 iron a 140, 150, 160 yards, doesn’t matter what, people have a tendency, trying to make a change, whether it’s a grip change, whether it’s a body rotation change, or where the hands want to be at the top of the swing; they setup to the ball and they still try to hit it as hard as they normally would or even harder. I hit an 8 iron 150 yards, even though I’m trying to change my hand position at the top, I’m still trying to hit it at 150 yard 8 iron. So we swing too hard and we swing too fast and it doesn’t give our brain the time to feel these effective changes. So what I’ll want to do is as I’m hitting shots, go at 50% speed 50% effort so that everything slows down so your brain has a chance to feel those positions. So if I am working on a rotation, so that my right arm can support the club, instead of the tendency to stay here and lift the arms, if I go fast, I’m going to keep going back to that old thing. That’s our habit. We have to create new habits. So I’ll take a couple swings and feel this rotation and where there are right hands underneath, instead of the left hand underneath, and I’ll do this a couple times kind of half speed, half effort. Then I’m going to step up to the ball, and do the same thing. Half speed, half effort, but make sure that I feel that position before I go forward. Now I can hit this 8 iron about 155, 160 yards. But that one there maybe flew only 120 yards. It’s just not so much effort. Once you feel it slowly then you can start increasing that effort. From 50% to 70% to your full swing. So remember, when you’re making changes if you take a lesson, and you’re working on something in your swing, slow it down. So that your body and your brain can sync up and you can start feeling those changes.


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