Golf Babe

Golf Galaxy Employee Pounds 3 Beers & Qualifies For PGA Tournament This Weekend | Pat McAfee Reacts

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uh salesman at Golf Galaxy here in Indianapolis Indiana that’s right has found his way into qual qualifying for the rocket mortgage Classic this weekend a PGA sanctioned event how’d he do it well on the Monday qualifier he uh want seven under whoa then pretty good there was five people tied for four spots open in the PGA sanction event this weekend so through eight holes of overtime play he’s secured a spot by getting a birdie on like the eighth hole or whatever so not only is he an Indianapolis Legend not only did he fight and battle his way to get into a PGA Tour event he did those entire extra holes eight of them boozed up had three beers before he went out there ladies and gentlemen our new favorite golfer Nick Ben how you doing Nick how you doing brother doing good how are you great not as good as you were feeling on a first bonus hole after you house three beers hey what type of beer we drink in there what type of beer was that and this this nor oper operating procedure for you here Nick yeah this was uh this was just another day it was a summer shandy that I decided to I had three of them uh the first one was anticipated to be a little bit of a celebratory beer thinking I was already safely in and when I realized that oh nope not safe I decided you know what the only thing good for the nervous system is two more maybe a little vodka what if that thing doesn’t start at a time you’re going to continue to drink or did you have a preparation of just three no matter when the starting extra holes were um well it all happened so fast because I thought I was in until maybe two or three groups left so I was mid third beer I probably had like a quarter of it left and I quickly refreshed the scoreboard and there was five guys all of a sudden tied for four spots and I looked at the guys that I was sitting next to at the table took a quick drink finished it real quick and I was like we got to go warm up we got more golf to play all right boys one more no no three’s good three’s good three’s good let’s go do this thing and obviously you play phenomenal golf eight extra holes to secure a spot in this weekend’s toury so are you going to be boozing before is this like and how’s the PGA feel about this because I think what was it Joel Joel Joel dond did something where he drank like a a white claw and then he won like 500 for the back nine and he ended up qualifying into this entire thing so I feel like these stories happen John Daly right here in Indiana at Crooked Stick whenever he was kind of called in on a Tuesday drove in from Arkansas was nervous as [ __ ] was drinking beers in styr cups while walking down Fairways ends up winning the entire tournament or whatever in his first ever tournament is this something you normally do like when you’re a Golf Galaxy giving lessons or selling clubs you’re like here’s the first thing you need to do get a little booy get a little swing juice get a little lubrication in you is that your go-to is that youro or no no I mean everybody needs a little bit of Swing oil he’s got to find the right balance for me it just happened to be three um this week he’s gone PJ say he can’t be e talking about get boo up out we got enough battles right now did you hear what saud’s doing you’re a qualifier we don’t need you guys we don’t need you out here talking about how boozed up you are in this entire thing I think we got a point across yeah yeah that guy qualified for the Monday thing plays seven under goes five birdies and an eagle to go 700 plays I assume one of the best rounds he’s ever played I’m in a PGA event for the first time in my entire life and then all of a sudden not so fast my friend we’ve been boozing and golfing our whole lives who cares what’s do that we’re happy for him congratulations dick Ben can’t wait to come buy some clubs off you at Golf Galaxy or even better win this thing than you don’t have to sell clubs ever again you could just get into every tournament like you’re Michael block exactly I mean I mean who I don’t know what place he would have to get but and I don’t know what he makes at Golf Galaxy but I would assume hey you get you finish top 30 in this like that’s two years worth of working at Golf Galaxy what a what a feel-good story coming out any we got beer we got golf we got a long shot we got a Golf Galaxy guy loves the game loves the game loves the game and then to get to that Monday qualifier he had to hit a pre-qualifier to get to the qualifier so we’re talking about a qualifier I think last Thursday then a qualifier on Monday then some beers then some eight extra holes that’s 25 holes or 26 holes in one day three beers and one qualification for a PGA event nice little Monday for Nick Benz yeah that’s all and and then that I can imagine to you’re playing eight extra holes you know you’re just waiting like okay but like the amount of tension when you get that close it’s like okay like listen if I if I play seven holes here and I’m the one guy who doesn’t qualify for this like you’re never coming back for that from that so thank God he he got it done and he’s going to go play in the rocket mortgage yeah because people would say well he’s an alcoholic Bingo this guy’s a booze bag exactly this guy ruined his entire opportunity he’s been he’s almost been like uh old buddy from um Kevin C cup Tin Cup yeah this guy’s been grinding away his whole life for this exactly working at Golf Galaxy giving out terrible lessons in golf simulators by a bunch of bum ass golfers finally gets his opportunity shoots a seven under this guy shoots a seven under filthy no Bogies five birdies and an eagle to qualify good day and then he gets reminded about an hour and a half later that this is not a guarantee sir you shouldn’t have drank those four beers he’s already prey me and the boys already what summer shandies it’s the summer I’m in a PJ event I love that he finish I love that he finish the third one though halfway done oh I got to go back all right all right let’s go ahead let’s do this boys listen if Rock and mortgage starts off rough for what Nicki Ben’s here exactly he needs to stop at a house on the side of the course like he’s in top of lordo MH just go ahead and do that thing yeah how it we need just a hammered drunk offer to win this thing so bad that’d be huge for the he might win it yeah he might who’s playing in it uh Tom Kim’s your favorite oh last week Tom K’s playing good golf Tom k a hell player Tom K’s got a lot to prove right now too with young is your second favorite he shot a 59 on Saturday I believe to get back in running these are let down weeks for these guys I feel good about Nicki Ben yeah potentially Nicki Ben’s going on a run uh this weekend and we will obviously be pulling for him


  1. Cette conversation nous rappelle que nos voix comptent et que nous avons le pouvoir de façonner le récit et de susciter le changement.💚

  2. È piacevole trovarsi in uno spazio in cui l'ego passa in secondo piano rispetto alla ricerca della verità. Promuove una cultura del rispetto reciproco.👅

  3. Played in just a fun event. Was cruising along at about 4 over with 5 to play. Grabbed 2 tall boys for the last 5 and played them in 3 under.

  4. Just think if they allowed weed!! I'd have smoked 3 bowls an smoked their assess! Weeds like spinach to Popeye for some of us😝🤘

  5. Ephesians 4:29

    29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

    Exodus 20:7
    “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.

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