Jeff breaks down the top ten hottest items/categories in the golf industry.

We look at balls, bags, clubs and everything in between.

This is a fun look at some of hottest golf equipment so far this year.

Some of items in the Golf, golfballs, golf, golf 2024, best golf in 2024, vessel bags, ghost golf, proV1, best golf ball, best irons in golf, best driver in golf, best bag in golf, golf trips, the masters, best golf shoes in 2024, Jordan golf low, best golf clubs on a budget, best bang for your buck, 2024 best golf courses, Callaway golf, Taylor Made Golf, Titleist Golf, PXG, PING, Mizuno Golf, Scotty Cameron, LAB putters, Golf, golfballs, golf, golf 2024, best golf in 2024, vessel bags, ghost golf, proV1, best golf ball, best irons in golf, best driver in golf, best bag in golf, golf trips, the masters, best golf shoes in 2024, Jordan golf low, best golf clubs on a budget, best bang for your buck, 2024 best golf courses, Callaway golf, Taylor Made Golf, Titleist Golf, PXG, PING, Mizuno Golf, Scotty Cameron, LAB putters,

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hey guys welcome back to Modern golf I hope you’re having a great day and even better week today we’re talking about in my opinion the 10 hottest things in the golf industry for spring and summer of 2024 so number 10 we’re going to count down 10 98 Etc number 10 uh and I don’t have one in front of me but I’ll put pictures up here number 10 is going to be the Cobra dark speed set of woods and their driver their fway woods and their hybrids if you haven’t checked out the Cobra dark speed they are phenomenal equipment I know a lot of people kind of look at look down at Cobra but I’m telling you if you get a chance test them run your numbers they are incredible so at the 10th spot we have the Cobra dark speed Woods number nine this brand continues to evolve and evolve and evolve and evolve and that’s ghost Golf and particularly ghost golf bags I’ve been shocked um as how much people have asked me about the ghost bags um and obviously they’re it’s subjective people very have ver a variety of opinions of ghost golf but obviously I use a bunch um and one I use all the time is the Weekender absolutely love the this bag I think it’s one of the coolest kind of mini looking golf bags um again I’ve jammed in up to 11 clubs probably should put only about eight in here but one of the coolest bags by far that’s the Weekender the other one that has done super well and everybody asks me about and that’s the katana that I use all the time so ghost golf comes in at number nine with I think maybe the best overall golf bag lineup but definit up there and they have done an incredible job with their golf bags so at number nine ghost Golf and their two bags Weekender and any day the number eight spot is going to be spikeless or soft Spike shoes now if you’ve been on this channel for a while you guys know that I’m not a big fan of spikeless golf shoes however I’ve become a convert this year um I absolutely love my soft Spike shoes and really enjoy them when I’m walking um I just want to kind of go over three of the pairs that I use all the time uh the apalon Mana which I think are the most comfortable golf shoes I may have ever worn uh this is the painter I believe this is the o1s um phenomenal shoe this is a couple year old model um but really held up well love my painter golf shoes and then certainly uh my foot Joys from this year have done ridiculous see well um really surprised mostly on the foot joys of how well they’ve broken and how comfortable they’ve been of all the golf shoes I’ve worn this year I’ve worn these the most and I don’t really don’t have a Rhyme or Reason why I do but these ended up being uh I think the most frequently worn for me so far um but for so at the number eight spot soft Spike golf shoes the number seven spot really if you’ve played this golf ball you really wouldn’t be surprised either one the Chrome tour X or the Chrome tour I’ve tested this ball I think we had the review a month a couple months ago and I’ve been playing now it’s June you maybe see this mid late June early July of 24 I played last week with my buddy Steve who I played with for God for 15 years and I couldn’t believe B how much further this ball goes my driver it’s it’s a little bit it’s not a huge difference but my irons I’m half a club to a full Club longer I actually had to we played last week dial my irons down and take one less Club um from really probably the fifth hole on because everything was flying uh with these so if you haven’t checked out the Chrome tour the Chrome tour X um ridiculously good again I am not you know not to pick on Callaway I’m not a Callaway golf fan per se like I wouldn’t this wouldn’t be the ball I would pick first I’ve been blown away with this gol golf ball this year both of them been super good good um we are doing a series with Steve um he’s a mid let say mid to higher handicap of how much a better golf ball does to lower his score uh we played last week he was nine shots under his handicap using these golf balls um and I’ve been kind of preaching to people I’m going to bore you I know we have a lot of list here higher handicaps don’t be afraid of using a nicer golf ball um and if you’re with your friends ask them hey can I switch out my golf ball from 100 yards in I want to test it that’s the way to really test a golf ball the distance and all stuff off a driver is nice but really test it 100 yards in in and you’ll see these golf balls are doing a phenomenal job uh in this year number six uh and you guys have watched and you’ve seen we review a you know what ton of golf gloves and there are three that this year and this isn’t to knock anybody else that have really to me so far have stood out um one is the vessel Lux which theyve just come out with oh man a month or so ago love this this is I think around seven or eight with this glove it held up well this is the secret um seven iron golf we did a review uh end of winter early spring pound for pound that may be the best glove in the market um ridiculously good they are now getting into other other colorways if you haven’t checked out seven iron golf I think they’re around $24 to $26 maybe a little more I apologize phenomenal phenomenal golf gloves and the other one that I’ve really fallen into love with this year is Red Rooster golf if you haven’t checked out their gloves I know they have a kind of a cult following I’m new to the game with red rooster another phenomenal golf glove um so golf gloves this year have been crazy good these three I would say if you haven’t checked out check them out for the fifth spot we’re doing something a little different um and you’ll see we do a full review later down the road here but the new bardy irons and I’ll put pictures up here um incredible feel incredible distance they are gorgeous to look at it it surprised me and I don’t really know anybody left in the bonardi camp world I did years ago um but it really shocked me they came out to the market with these but what a great first iteration of a product uh if you haven’t had your chance or a chance to check them out they’re I know in club champion they may be in other stores I don’t know I know you can order them direct but you probably want to test them first but a really really Sol um first iteration if you haven’t had a chance definitely check out the bardy irons they are first of all they look like Jewels they’re gorgeous but two they play really really good and again we’ll do a full review um later in the summer of those but at the at the fifth spot check out the beton nardy irons at the fourth spot and this is I think two of the coolest bags I’ve ever had my my hands on and looked at one is going to be the Sun Mountain H20 which guys if you haven’t checked this one out it’s sold out currently in this colorway um in the Major Brown and gray it’s one of the B most badass looking golf bags I’ve ever seen in this colorway it’s such a great looking bag love the features of this bag I’ve enjoyed this bag to death to death and again this year has been super fun with golf bags there’s so many good bags but the other bag that just launched that I got in my hands on which I love is the New Ping Japan only and there’s a white with orange and I’ll put the pictures up and there’s also um the other colorway here I’m going to show you guys as well two of the sickest looking golf bags I’ve seen ever um and again waterproof just like Sun Mountain um but I think twoo if you’re looking for a an incredible looking golf bag and maybe you don’t want a vessel or a ghost and you want something that’s a little more I want say old school but techy um but not maybe the vinyl or leather looking check out Sun Mountain or the New Ping Japan the the Ping ones will be very limited they could be sold out by by time you see this um and the Sun Mountain obviously um I don’t know if some stores have them but I know if you go direct to Sun Mountain this particular colorway is sold out so but at the number four spot the H2 no and the Ping Japan bags two of the coolest bags I’ve seen so far in 2024 in the third spot I’d be remiss and I should put this at one but I’m going put it at three cuz it’s the hottest Market in the golf industry and that’s your push carts and including the electric carts that are really growing like crazy we did a review on ours I don’t know a month or so ago absolutely loved it I think it’s a game changer I think if you can afford it um it is an absolute game Cher for the way you golf I’ve again I was a walker used to carry my clubs I had a push card didn’t love the push card I kind of I got fatigued in my shoulders at the end of 10es um absolutely love uh the electric golf carts and especially the one that we tested if you get a chance to test them I know like we play a couple courses you can actually rent them for like 15 20 bucks around rent one test it out I’m telling you you will never go back and say yeah I didn’t really like that they are they it’s so freeing to use one of those but so at the number three spot electric carts at the number two spot and we’re getting close to the end here is the Ping G line of woods I I am not I’m brand agnostic I don’t care if they’re pink golf clubs if they’re green I don’t care what I go with whatever works for me um I happen to get stuck with M get stuck I happen to use mauno irons because they fit me well I also like to feel the best um but for the woods the Ping stuff the g430 and especially the Kline this year uh it has been phenomenal and I think you talk to anybody who’s a two handicap to a 42 handicap they’ll all tell you the same thing my buddy Steve got fit last year again by Club Champion had his fit of choice of any driver in the marketplace um and the Ping fit them same thing you guys saw my fitting earlier in the year the Ping and Cobra were probably the two closest for me um but again I have my choice like we all do of what woods and hybrids we got and the pings fit me the best this year um so at the number two spot of the hottest equipment and golf in spring and summer of 2024 the Ping G line of woods and so you’re going to ask me well what’s number one then number one should be a no doubter for anybody and we’ve done a review there’s been other reviews that have done it it’s maybe the odest looking putter in golf but I can tell you it is maybe the best putter in golf and that’s the lab df3 and so you guys know we got fit for the lab earlier in the year than we got fit for this guy and if you watch my what’s in the bag fitting I didn’t play this for about a week um what I didn’t tell you guys was after about six h of not using this and using my other putter I wish I would have brought both my Putters the next three rounds I’ve played I’ve averaged 28 um putts per round which is off the chart I I cannot tell you how much this putter has changed really the way I play the way I putt there’s no nerves you get over putt straight back straight through and it goes in it it is an absolute game Cher for the industry um if you have’t I know they’re funky looking trust me uh it it does take a little while I was setting up a little funny where I was pushing everything we’ve kind of had I want to say a quick lesson but I had a lesson um and got it kind of set up where it’s back straight back through I’m putting maybe the best of my life of with 30 some years of playing um I absolutely love this putter I think if you haven’t had a chance um to test it out and really test it out like play a few holes not take one you know putt with it and say I didn’t like it you’ll be blown away um lab has done such a good job with this Putter and this is why you see anyone who uses this putter loves it there are very few people who um use this Putter and then say nah I don’t like it I’m going to go back to my old one um I I test stuff all the time but the lab df3 to me has been an absolute GameChanger and if you don’t if you haven’t had a chance get it take an opportunity and test it out um I think you’ll be shocked I know Club Champion has them I don’t know about Golf Galaxy I would imagine they all do um but it’s really really an absolute Game Changer so at the number one spot for the spring and summer for the hottest golf equipment in 2024 we’ve got to give it to the lab golf the df3 so anyway guys I hope you enjoyed our list I know you’re going to say well you didn’t do this you didn’t do that it’s got you know this is we’ll do another list as we go throughout the year but again the top 10 things that we’ve really seen that people have asked about requested about uh and give us the most feedback about as well so andway if you’re new here please do us a favor and subscribe if you are returning thank you welcome back we appreciate you um as we always ask if there’s anything you’d like us to see review please let us know um we are happy to see what we can do um and we hope you guys have a great week and we’ll see you soon thanks guys I [Music]

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