Golf Players

Darius Butler Breaks 80?!: Featuring Sergio Garcia

Pat McAfee Show co-host and ex-NFL Player Darius Butler is on a mission to improve his golf game and finally break 80. At LIV Golf Nashville he caught up with Fireballs GC captain Sergio Garcia to get some tips from the Major Champ. Which LIV Golf Superstar will help Darius break 80 next?

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episode two breaking 880 follow me on this journey episode one got some lessons from the T boox from Bryson D Shambo he just went on to win the US Open no big deal guess what today Sergio Garcia he’s going to Dow me in on those irons so can’t wait one of the best iron players in the world ever let’s go do it we got Sergio Garcia up there I don’t know if you guys know but I know 2017 Master’s champ highest ranking number two in the world I mean you’ll get opportunities like this every day let’s go all right darus okay what uh 220 220 little little five or a little do you have five IR is I have five yeah it’s going to be big what you have five wood I got a five wood I think fivewood is good okay got five wood here got three I like five Woods okay all righty so this five wood now am I treating this just like an iron yeah just like an iron okay swing is is the same just uh swing the same way you’re swinging great so just keep trusting it okay probably aim it at that tree just left the what’s your swing thought you got a swing thought for me you know I like to like make sure that I’m that I’m nicely set up like sometimes I get a little open so I got to make sure that I that I don’t get open so I’m nice and square good balance okay and then it’s just kind of keeping keeping my height obviously releasing the club but just making sure that I don’t dig down so I so I still have room stand on that same plane okay that was easy enough do that tree on the left Tree on the left left of the flag nice nope okay see a little heavy but it’s good Miss yeah you still you still you still got to swing at it you know don’t don’t try to guide it try to baby it a little bit yeah when you guide it when you guide it you lose the your athletic you know so you still got to swing like you did with the drive okay swing through boom so I got 207 207 207 a little bit downwind uh what’s 200 front uh it’s probably like a good solid 600 for me you taking consideration how the green is definitely okay yeah you have to you have to look at you know what’s going on around and obviously a little short looks like it’s not terrible you don’t want to be too short because then it goes down okay but um you know with with the flag being on the front if I hit five iron I’m going to fly it probably at least whole high and and the greens are firm so it’s going to release too much so I’m going to try to hit a hard six sign just just left of that flag and see if I can fly it just on and release towards the hole just left it the flag all right yeah I got faith in you shot good just on the front just kind just short but so good spot there but pretty much where you were yeah I was trying to hit it maybe just just right of that but pretty much right there okay um it wasn’t like the perfect yardage for for uh for the shot like like had to be like a really hard six iron mhm but five iron felt like it was going to fly too close to the flag and kind of release I was trying to hit it hard see if I could fly just on and then maybe release five or six yards okay it hit just short but that’s a good leave there game game of Misses right yeah I’ll take that Miss correct and also uh you got to realize you know the holes that the holes that are tougher and the holes that are a little bit easier so this is this is a tough part four for us okay you know you hit good drive you’re hitting 6 iron maybe even four or five iron to the back so obviously you know that if you make three there it’s like a little bit of a bonus oh you make four you make four you’re happy part is fine on this one you make four you’re happy okay yeah I make four I’m happy too all right come on darus 100 yard shot you got do anything different with the wedges I’m going from a no it just the same the most important thing with wedges his contact so you have to be stable okay just Wes it kind of It kind of mind know I I it’s it happens but you got it just trust it just trust it remember swing like I told you mhm trust it yeah and you’re probably going to hit like a yeah like a 95 95 yard shot oh I told you you hit a good one on the first yeah I had a good way shot on the first one that’s golf though all right these try it again oh I still got to play come on forgot can’t play from Hannah ball again damn no all right there you go keep your height and get through that was better pulled it a little pulled it left yeah but that was much better though yeah you pulled it a little bit telling these wedges get my head man well I mean with the wedges with the wedges obviously the most important thing is contact so I think that’s why it’s it’s important to be super stable you know through your swing you know make sure that you that you’re staying right there if you kind of moving around a lot and St it’s going to be difficult for you to be consistent uhhuh so with the w this is not so much about hitting hard it’s about making great contact on gotcha get that contact ball first yeah am I on this is yeah you’re on oh shoot all right pulled it a tiny bit but not too bad take that all right this is going to be very quick oh yeah got right to the edge yeah as soon as you get it here he’s going to get to the flag it’s downhill from there to here like the hole is here okay um now of course what advice do you have on down don’t hit them hard great advice now I think the most important thing for you is to kind of visualize where you want to kind of get the ball to like this this pad is so quick the last third so you’re not really looking at the hole you kind of you’re thinking that the hole is here as soon as you get to here your ball is going to get there so you’re trying to make it to there okay and then the ball will get all the way okay all right quick F sit sit sit sit sit good line just a little too hard Jesus it’s quick speed good it a good P just a little too hard I see what you’re saying what a shot thank you I know it’s like good shot why can’t I just do that huh why can’t I just look so easy you know as an athlete you got to try to do your own thing sometime put your own sauce on it but on this one I’m going to try to do exactly what Sergio does so I’m going to see what is this one 189 par three overwater I’m just watching and listening right now I’m just a pupil all right I’m just taking it all in taking it all in hopefully I keep as much as possible let’s go man it’s one of the best best players ever don’t get don’t get opportunities like this every day nice course oh yeah there’s a big green here but mhm pretty hilly yeah you know where the flag is move yeah it’s kind of like in the middle right at that three number okay is right in the bowl there okay uh you going to try to go right out well the thing is if you hit it just right it’s fine but you don’t want to be too too far right because then you have a way downhill P so going to try to go at it okay even if you hit just left then you’re P up pill gotcha at the end of the day you still you still have to get there and try to hit the shot you know it’s not even if you play conserva conservatively you still have to be aggressive to that spot that you’re playing so even if you’re playing away from the flag you can’t be like half M you know half accid it so so um you just got to be comfortable with the show you want to hit and then just commit to it simple as that there we go 79 to cover everything always up for the challenge that’s all golf is mental challenge between you and you N I don’t think so I wish for missed it just a little good shot thanks good jeez no pressure here huh come on remember huh no pressure you’re good just trust it and keep it steady good balance stay steady base come on you got it oh all right you got a couple up there I play for him yeah oh you did it should go left right correct obviously a little downhill so it should be quick no no no not that much a little bit of left to right I think you see that little spot right there yeah I think you started there I like that and you got it yeah baby let’s go that was all you well Dar he gave you he gave you the perfect line yeah you give it just left Edge just left Edge a little bit downhill we put let me light it up all right there you go line it up with that line mhm there you go good pot yes thank you [Music] [Music] to be totally honest I mean obviously you told me you’ve onlya been playing for a year and a half mhm so I think you got a really good putting stroke I really like the way you move the Potter um I think you hit your drive quite well for what I’ve seen just need a little bit of consistency with the irons and that’s that’s going to come with a little bit more practice and and just like we were talking just just keeping you know keeping yourself a little bit more stable when balance more balance when you go through the shot and stuff like that but uh man you see up top like the take away my top not coming down is there no no I mean it’s that’s where my most Inc like one day Wednesday I’ll be great Thursday I have a couple of those wedges it happens to us too not not maybe in a different level but it happens to us too so it’s just just it’s just consistency at the end of the day is is is what you have to work on and and that you’re going to get from a little bit of repetition on the Range and and and you know getting that good contact over and over and over so uh the good thing is for me I think your Basics are really good and that’s that’s very important if your Basics are not good it’s going to be difficult for you to get better but if your Basics are good even if you’re missing shots I mean you’ve been playing for a year and a half of course you’re going I mean we miss shs and I’ve been playing for 43 years 42 years so got a long way to go so uh so I think it just it’s just a matter of keep working on it a little bit all right and as soon as you get consistent then you get more confidence and then you got you here we go appreciate you Sergio it’s awesome


  1. Does anyone else hate Nike putting their logo off to the side on the back of shirts? It just looks awkward every single time I see it, it looks like they're wearing the shirt backwards. I personally think it's a terrible design decision that they need to do away with

  2. This guy seems scared. Guess I would be too if playing with that quality of player. Sergio is perhaps the greatest iron player I have seen. I am a little confused. Is this series break +80 over par? Or does it actually mean break 80 as in real score? This guy is an absolute beginner. Surely breaking 80 will take him years.

  3. LIV golf blows – gay little shorts, can't play 4 days, team play ? – they probably get paid in buckets of gold. Screw em, hope no one watches. It's for over the hill PGA players and young players who don't wanna work hard.

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