A Never Seen Golf Course (Pinehurst #10)

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In today’s video we play golf at Pinehurst’s newest golf course – Pinehurst #10 and try to break 70! I hope you enjoy today’s video!

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[Music] well welcome to number 10 thank you for having me is your first time out here first time here oh you’re going to love it it just opened right April 3rd we opened officially April 3rd yes okay this used to be a sand mine years ago from the 30s to about the 70s it was a a sand mine so is this golf course really hard yes it’s long okay it’s hard we don’t have any we don’t have any bunkers though okay we have I’m trying to think of a score I want to try and break today 64 is the course record well that’s hey you never know could have the best day of my life right I’ve seen you I’ve seen you shoot some pretty good scores yeah 64 is going to be really 64 is your best round yeah 64 is my best round oh nice yeah so to break that would be crazy but okay if you notice Tom do did not put any bunkers in front of any of the greens here got I should even say bunkers well that’s cool so you can roll it up lot of rolling I’ve seen guys putt from back here so have a great day hey thank you so much nice meeting I appreciate it nice meeting you Dave thank thank you all right so we’re kind of going in blind today we are going in really blind today so for the score that I want to break I’m going to up that a little bit because I don’t know where we’re hitting it we did not bring the caddy which hey some would say that’s a really dumb move but first all Pinehurst number 10 I have a GPS the one thing we do have is a GPS so I can kind of see the holes on the golf cart first hole Pinehurst number 10 the newest course at Pinehurst I’m whispering it’s so quiet out here wow as good as I can hit it there is that good Dave all right hey I wish I could steal you it’d be a great day this is this feels like it’s just so so new if you look around here zoom over there I mean you have giant cranes cranes and the everything’s still being built out here it just feels like we have like some special treatment I know the only people that can play this golf course right now are Resort guests you have to be staying at the Pinehurst Resort but it’s so cool that we’re going to show this entire golf course on camera so if you ever plan a golf trip out to Pinehurst you kind of know what to expect on Pinehurst number 10 well guys we are off here on Pinehurst number 10 hopefully it’s not too loud these are gas golf carts some of the only golf carts they had on the entire course because it is walking only so the goal today is going to be to break 7 so that’s one under par because the par is 70 so if I shoot one under I would shoot a 69 it’s that easy to shoot in the 60s here guys this is going to be a very relaxing video it’s early in the morning we’re just going to play some serious Golf Show You Piner number 10 and hopefully break 70 perfect Drive 135 to the pin going with a pitching ledge now usually when a golf course is new The Roots don’t grow in or they don’t have enough time to grow in on the green so they’re going to be bouncy I could be wrong let’s see be good bouncy bouncy dud that almost dunk but did you see the bounce almost like that I I there’s something in me I’ve played too many new golf courses I knew that first bounce was going to be this giant hop and it did but we almost dunked it pretty long pup though it rolled out a good bit two good swings to start out this video so the official course record on Pinehurst number 10 is 64 so somehow today if we came out and shot a 63 which the par is 70 so a 63 is 7 under par say we shoot four under on the front three under on the back could have a day you never know with Peter Finch I shot a 64 and that was one of my best rounds in my life but that was like a 7 under so there is a chance today to break the course record at Pinehurst number 10 and that would be something else let’s get the putter hot swing feels unbelievable had one of the greatest warm-up sessions I’ve had all week long greens look really nice they’re just going to be FM so on Pinehurst number 10 you guys are going to see this little logo today it’s a sand mine this used to be a giant sand mine that’s a cool little logo I like that we should get some of the the merch in the Pro Shop because that logo you can only get it from the Pro Shop here with the little sand mine on it it’s pretty cool first putt of the day up the hill should break a ton right to left we’re winging it today sky this could be good or it could be really bad I mean you can’t even barely get the tea in the ground on these greens little right to left up the [Music] hill Oh my gosh that was my first putt ever we didn’t even get a practice putt all right here we go off to a really solid start here at number 10 that is a tap in par stressfree hey to break our goal today guy of 70 we only have to shoot one under the par 70 out here if you guys have been along for the journey and you’ve been watching the channel I’ve had a lot of ups and downs recently with my golf game but I feel like right now my golf game is in one of the best spots it could possibly be in you just don’t know what you’re going to get you just don’t know what you’re going to get the golf swing has felt amazing so if this cooperates today which it did right there we could take it really low the craziest thing right now is that we have not taken a caddy and we don’t know where the next hole is I we believe it’s this hole right here I kill get lost out here like the cart path they’re not built in yet just because it’s so you’re supposed to walk it like we said it’s part three it says on the scorecard [Music] here second hole of the day 185 y par three so quiet it is so quiet out here cuz there’s no houses the road’s not too too close to the golf course this going to be like an ASMR you know you whisper the whole time let’s try and hit a good shot here we’re even par after the first hole Pinehurst number 10 go in go in the hall oh my gosh you got the stripies today Mr something changed man something changed these last two days I found something in my golf swing that nice highy draw telling you if the putter cooperates today it’s going to be a good day we have found the car path we just had to back up go up around to try and figure out where we are going we have found the car path it feels like we’re almost on like a safari right now we’re going to make it work we’re going to figure this out what okay okay hold up come down here I landed it over here I really did not notice how intense this slope was you landed in the only spot you could land it yeah see some sometimes when you don’t know what you’re doing you just aim at the pin and hit it and you get lucky down the hill right to left for a birdie on the second hole of the day make a PLT Sky come on baby let’s go we are one under after the first two these greens roll nice they are smooth like they are so new there’s just no ball marks there’s nothing to mess the putt up and they hold the line cuz if you guys have watched the cut series at Piner number two those screens are like really quick movements there’s just not much grain on these greens one under par after two holes onto a par five I think that’s it come on that’s a birdie on the second hole that was not an easy par three 185 yd oh that makes me happy come on GPS tell us this is it right here reset reset reset oh no I’m going to have to manually select hole okay we got it we are good 550 par five straight away on the GPS here so it kind of goes yeah goes a little bit like [Music] that third hole of the day par five beautiful where the sunlight is at right now the Dew is starting to melt away or becoming a little firm right there it just short of those bushes we are just fine I kind of made the hole I think a little longer going that far to the right but it’s par five could be a three shot hole might be able to get after it we’ll see I came really close right here to the waste area but it’s not too penalizing I mean if I went off here you could still have a shot if you’re off the Fairway but you also might be in a little Bush it’s called The Wire Grass and one thing when we’re taking these carts out here we have to avoid all those little wire grass right here because if we run this over it dies like we said this is a walking only course if we were to run those over with a cart they will die so we got to avoid every little Wire Grass I’m going to play like a little cut keep it a little right of the pin I can see how the Fairway goes that way she cut all right on the right carry it all okay that might be in the bunker it was a good strike I just overcut it a hair this has become my favorite Club in the bag right here guys this is this is not the ls qi1 this is the more forgiving one when you find a 3-wood that you like you don’t change because they’re the hardest Club in the bag if you look on tour you’ll see tour Pros with 5 years old 8 years old don’t switch once you find a good 3-wood I actually want to make this very clear I love walking golf courses it’s one of my favorite things I know in the beginning of the video we talked about how we needed to take a cart and all that I feel like when you walk a golf course you are way more connected with the round of golf and you get a better experience of the entire Golf Course when you take a cart sometimes you can go too fast and not take it in so I’m a huge fan of walking golf course and if you guys have never walked a golf course before please try it out it is such a wonderful experience and you just slow down cuz some people get super fast they’re thinking about the next shot if you’re in a cart you can run right up to it get out of sequence when you have to walk up to your next shot gives you time to settle in think about the next shot think about the you know the surroundings the nature think about the golf course gives you that little bit of time to collect yourself versus a cart you can rush it before we go on with the rest of today’s video I want to give a huge thank you to Chomps for sponsoring today’s video now guys I want to tell you why this is the perfect snack first off 10 to 12 gam of protein are packed Within These for my lifestyle it is one of the best snacks I’ve actually been eating these for the past 3 years I’m always on the go I’m traveling right now we’re currently at the airport about to hop on a plane I need some protein and I need it quick these Chomps are absolutely amazing for that a little crunch so this is the original flavor of the Chomps it’s my favorite one you guys will see in my recent video actually have some videos coming up I’m eating them on the cart with some of the guests so huge thank you to Chomps for being the on thee-o snack that everybody loves and I love once again huge thank you to Chomps for sponsoring today’s video at Pinehurst now sit back relax for Pinehurst number 10 dude we need to do a fake snake prank on someone I know want to do that I’m going to buy a fake snake we need to do it to Mike we need to do it to George we need to do it to Wesley and we’re attaching that thing the little wire and they run and then it chases them we’re getting it all in video I’m telling you guys we got to do that greens are firm I got to remember that so it’s going to roll out look at that thing roll okay now go down the slope go down the hill dude for a second I thought that was so short and then you could hear the hollow noise of the greens got a great birdie look down the hill I’m going to play just outside the right I just got to go a little right to left Sky it has to oh my gosh all right it’s normal okay okay we are 200 through three let’s go find the next hole let’s go hit the next shot and then Chase it and hit it again cart lock oh no we’re 200 through three at pineur number 10 onto the fourth hole let’s take a look at this oh my goodness it’s a drivable drivable par 4 from right here we’re going to play it from right back there it’s going to be about 308 nah I don’t think I can get there but I can get it really close I can get it just short and right of the green still going to send driver this is pretty close to drivable this whole butt we’re going to have to aim right Sky we’re going to have a little wedge in if we hit a good drive out to that bunker par 4 here fourth hole the Green is right over to the left oh no oh where is it it’s in the Fairway is it really yeah right there in the Fairway wow I thought this driveable yeah well maybe I hit that about 230 it was a m hit it was a high M hit I was zoomed way out in the distance like I thought yeah it’s right there in the Fairway it’s uh 219 no it went about 250 it was a heel cut in the right side of the Fairway we going to have a wedon though we’re perfectly fine one thing I love to see is when my Miss hits are going straight like that it usually shows me that the swing is in a good position cuz everybody has M hits and I always get asked like how is it playing with John Ron Bryson all the guys number one thing I would say is they’re human and they hit bad shots just like all of us but their M hits still somewhat go straight so that right there was a huge M hit off the heel still went straight and that’s for you guys watching this if your Miss hits are going straight you’re going to play some good goal okay I’m going to hit a full 60 here let the wind kind of take it starting out there right yep didn’t hit it just didn’t get it to turn over that was a good strike just short I’m probably still going to putt that though I mean it’s just off the front edge of the green uphill putt for birdie let’s take our time walk this all very straight like we left oursel about as straight of a putt as you could have up the H I’m taking the pin out I have learned too many hard lessons with leaving the pin in so I’m taking it out just in case we hit that perfect putt up the hill maybe a little left to right oh slow okay one thing today from what I’ve seen so far you’re going to be able to be really aggressive on the putts I can just see how and let them go don’t have to worry about it rolling out too much pushed it in here okay just pushed it a little bit bad bad what it’s not technically a three putt still just not a good first putt kind of left our way too long of a putt that drops us back to one under par so tipping this golf course out today it is 7,000 y from where we’re playing from isn’t bad I mean that’s pretty standard for a golf course day a lot of a lot of the courses we play are actually like 7200 so next toll here 400 yd par 4 let’s bounce back we’re one under par still inside of our goal to break 70 we want to take it deep today I mean we’re feeling good the greens like even that last putt that I miss like they’re so straight and I feel like you can just aim at every pin go at every pin and be be aggressive on the [Music] puns got to say it’s nice playing as a solo guy here they let us have the first tea time today at Pinehurst number 10 so we got nobody in front of us we are on the fifth hole here par 4 400 yd should be perfect that carries it all it’s perfect dude we’re just guessing we completely tried to hit a fade slung a draw on there oh my goodness that was a guess and it worked out perfect cuz originally I was looking over here to hit it and I just at the last second you said go a little left and I just sent it towards the grain it looks like it’s perfect going to have a little wedge shot in I don’t want to have to redo that t- shot again it is tight and if you pull a little laugh you’re playing Plinko in those trees that was a complete guess a complet gas take it over the left bunker there but I see my ball up here I mean we could have like 60 yards 60 70 yard little wedge shot now I feel like after making a bogey on the last so we we’re trying to get one back and that’s a good good mindset to have 77 yards here it’s a little 60° let’s bounce back it’s time sick we’re on it today we are on it we have our we have our yardages dialed in we have our swing dialed in oh come on if anything it’s going to be a dead straight putt here going right at it for birdie how did that go right the grain yeah okay well I felt like we hit a good putt there almost through the brake got to be a little maybe more gentle on those maybe a mistre maybe too hard a lot of different variables we are still one under par after five [Music] holes we are on to a 480 yard par 4 here at Pinehurst number 10 yeah this is a big one this is a huge hole as good as I can hit it we are on the edge right now of Glory we are so close to shooting a great score we just got to commit to the process we’re going to miss a couple putts today can’t get worked up over one one or two missed putts we got to made some good ones so we know that that’s in the memory bank we’re stroking it good I hit a good putt on the last to Camping M maybe just too hard so I think what I do is I get down on myself a little bit too quick when I expect to make all those putts but at the end of the day you’re not going to make every putt this is a beast though that was my best Drive of the day by far on the longest hole so that was that was big we needed a good drive there 480 yards on this par 192 we got six no five and four okay let’s hit a good shot here this has got to be the hardest hole in the course kick right no kick right got to go too oh pin high it’s going to be tricky from up there that is going to be a really tricky up and down we’re going to have to probably use that slope behind the pin but what an awesome looking golf ho I mean it’s like you’re hitting down it’s so cool this course so far is beautiful now one thing that I love about it is there’s no houses you feel like you’re out in nature very very quiet you you don’t really hear cars or anything out here super peaceful I know coming up there’s going to be some really interesting holes just because of the sand mine feature so we still one inside of our goal of breaking 70 I can probably land it to the pin and try and spin it but it’s not going to spin because the greens are so hard or I could go over to the left there and it’s going to funnel down feel like if I take it directly on it’s not going to stop do you if you land it in The Fringe think we just go just left here should release down to the PIN yep it’s perfect I kind of caught that a little thin that chip it worked out though it worked out perfect hey stressfree par on one of the toughest holes on the course right there it’s a good par we’re one under through the first six onto a short par three here whole seven which you guys know I love short par 3s [Music] all right we are here on hole 7 short par three you guys know I love those but usually on a short part three there’s going to be a defense to it and I think this green is a little bit tricky so we’re we got 158 yards we’re going to try and fly it up on that Ridge by the pin oh I could go in great shot woo baby but my divot starting after the te this far ahead it’s usually a sign that I’m hitting the ball good cuz tend to get a little flippy so when I’m actually leading with my hands ahead feels good we’ve got a great look here for another birdie to go to 200 under par should just break a little left to right once again they’re not breaking much oh my gosh Grant that’s so frustrating woo okay yeah that one that one one hurt I mean that was like edge of going in perfect speed on the edge of going in keeps us at one under par made some good ones I’m not I’m trying to not forget the two solid putts we’ve already made today so it’s in us we’ve rolled some good putts got to find it we’re one under par inside our goal of breaking 70 onto the eighth hole these greens are rolling true these are the best screens I’ve played at Pin her hands down absolutely hands down I feel like we’re going to get really hot any second and start making a ton of birdies okay that is another par we are on to whole 8 it’s only 385 330 there’s a little cut in but we don’t have to worry about that this is a cool looking t-shop we’re going over a giant Mound it’s blind [Music] 386 y we’re going at the little tower out in the distance the starter he said make sure you hit it at those Towers there’s three holes out here you need to hit it at the tower I would assume this is one of them oh a little left stay there okay I think we’re okay we’re good we’re fine short hole we’re going to have a wedge in another opportunity to make a birdie oh my Mounds there are the biggest Mounds everywhere this had to be exactly where the sand mine is this is wild we’re going up a steep hill right now my ball went over here oh we’re good we’re perfect in the Fairway here blind shot the pin is super tall I’m going to drive up to the green I need to drive up we have 109 Ys from my ball okay so the pin is up on a little Mound if I go long it might spin off that backs slope could use the backs slope there what an awesome hole this is my favorite hole if you guys come out to Pinehurst number 10 remember hole eight 109 yards to the pin what a crazy shot yeah I’m going to hit a full 56 cuz if I hit this if I fly this past it’s going to use that slope and it’s going to come back so a little bit past it’s sky little right miss the here okay it’s going to be on the green somewhere it was a good strike I just hope I didn’t miss the tier we’re on the green putton what a wild green if you land it anywhere along it’s going to come back and help you even if you landed it up there in the mulch it’s probably going to roll back that pin I just took the pin out up on this giant little I mean there’s just like a little shelf here that we have to go up and climb the hill here so Payton’s holding the pin right there that is where the pin’s at we got to go up this hill it’s going to break a little left Sky not a ton though well that’s got to go that actually went right up the hill wow and he said the greens weren’t the defense they’re there they got a little teeth to them need this putt to stay within our goal of breaking 70 here great putt G I think when I look back on this round I’m going to think about I had a lot of opportunities but I’m also going to think about that putt it just felt like that was the difference and the momentum shift right there if I missed that I was going to be really deflated we’re headed to Hole 9 no idea what it is is hopefully yall are enjoying this if you made it this far in the video make sure you give it a like for showing a course that I don’t think has really been shown on YouTube yet maybe one other person Eric Anders Ling yeah Ram Golf Club yeah this is the second video of Pinehurst number 10 on the [Music] [Music] internet we have made it to the signature hole hole 9 at Pinehurst number 10 what a crazy looking hole 470 yd par 4 need a good drive oh that’s perfect good as I can hit it there I love doing these solo videos with you guys it feels like we’re just hanging out playing a casual round of golf hopefully youall are just sitting back on the couch with your family or by yourself or with your spouse Whoever has only been shown one other time on camera so hopefully y’all are getting a little taste of a place that you could potentially come to cuz anybody can come here you just got to stay at the resort and Piner is a place you want to come to eventually just to experience it cuz we were out here for pineur number two for the cut series if you guys have not watched that with the Brian Bros it’s just a special place 185 185 15 yards window off the left a little hurting yeah 185 I think we’re going to go with a seven I like that actually we fade the seven in there full seven iron we know it’s not going to go too far along that was a big one you got green to work with too yep feel a little wind behind us oh my gosh it’s right at it it’s right at the P what was that I don’t know oh there it is just left of it I mean it must have did you have the Drone up there yeah I just can’t believe these iron shots are just every almost every shot I’ve hit today is gone at the pin and not left I mean we’ve barely missed a shot so far in this round it’s been up there with some of my most solid ball striking rounds we’re only through nine holes I mean guys we’re really close to the pin here from 185 we knew if we had a full 7even iron it was not going to go that far past a full 7 iron for me right now is 180 so it rolled out to the perfect distance we got a great look to get to two under after nine holes I mean it disappeared Sky you guys get to see what happens better than I can I got a lot of blind shots I absolutely love how nice and straight these putts are you know there’s no excuse out here there’s just not much break on these greens yes sir it was dead straight come on gosh that feels so good takes us to two under after nine I know every single one of you guys watching are like you should be five under you shoot 59 today I’m not going to look back at that right now because we just birdied a 470 yd par 4 feels good 200 after nine on the front nine that is a 200 under par 30 3 the par is 35 we’ve made it to whole 10 the yardage for this hole 634 on the GPS right here it says 652 I thought I was reading that wrong 634 yard par five I don’t think we can reach it in two we’re going to try but that’s long [Music] 10th hle we’ve made the turn you made it this far in the video thank you guys so much for watching if you’re new here we’re glad to have you one of the longest part fives of the Year longest I’ve ever played actually how long is it 654 it says on the cart there 640 from here gosh that’s good as I can hit it hopefully that’s short of that trouble on the left about as good as I can hit a golf ball so from there we lay up or we try and get after it with a three-wood we’re probably just going to hit three-wood and get it down there as far as we possibly can felt like I hit a really good drive we’re in the rough 340 to the pin so I’m going to hit this 3-wood full hopefully this goes about 300 with the wind and the downhill oh no carry the bunker no oh oh shoot oh no did it plug yeah did it yeah can’t do anything about it that’s what happens in golf got to roll with the punches let’s make par from there let’s try and make par now oh it’s not that bad no but it’s it’s bad it’s just not that bad I have never been in this position with a plugged lie but a chance to get to the green I do not even know I’m going to try and hit a pitching wedge I need to get over this lip I think a pitching wedge is going to be perfect let’s see if this comes out it’s going to roll towards the green there’s a chance we could get this on the green oh go goo 76 to the middle that pin is probably 76 yards it looks like it’s right on the middle 76 yards 70 yard shot yeah 70 yard shot landed just short up and down for par there come back oh no hit the down slope of the bunker yeah that was a tricky one very tricky little shot there but we’ve got to putt for par got to roll with the punches today I mean we plugged up under a lip there’s nothing much more you can do than take your medicine and try and get up and down okay down the hill right to left breaks at my feet then should straighten out a little bit snap at the end okay we had to take our medicine there and we did so that is a bogey on the par 510 that drops us back to one under we’re still inside of our goal of breaking [Music] [Applause] 7 the first time we felt really any wind all day it’s 181 to the center I’m going to punch a six here it comes should be on the right oh there it is stay there safe shot from 180 I mean that was a punch six iron we have a birdie look can’t expect much much more I mean I don’t know the green too well we’re just eyeballing it and firing and I’m telling you I feel free even though we don’t know exactly what’s up there I still feel very just free over the ball because there’s no expectations kind of just getting up looking at the pin looking at what we’re dealing with it to all my bird people out there we just saw the biggest bird we’ve ever seen think it’s a bald eagle but if you’re from North Carolina this area giant bird I don’t know what it was let me know in the comments if you think you know I mean I’m telling you this this bird its wings were like it looked like a dinosaur we didn’t take a caddy today but I wonder if there would have been any difference you know if it would have been head maybe but there also could have been times where he helped me with some reads there’s a lot of ways where we’ve gotten actually lucky just by eyeballing it down the hill right to left just don’t see a ton go left take the slope left not our greatest putt should have a straight uphill putt coming back before out of my knee still Crack part of the routine like inside left nice par save here we go that is a good par save there guys good par on a very difficult little par three here I mean right here it’s rolling down into that bunker so if y’all come to Pinehurst number 10 and you’re on hole number 11 remember miss it if anything to the right it is time now to get it back to a couple under par we’re one under right now we have a par five 542 12 hole 540 we can get there in Two [Music] Shots part five Sky let’s get after it let’s get back we need we got some fire after bogey in that par five that was just can’t do anything but it’s just still was a bummer yeah you hit good shots healed it what in the fade healed it just get over everything it did we’re good that was such a weird ball flight yeah just like a little fade caught it right off of here so you’re going to lose ball speed guys that’s one interesting part about golf you’re going to lose a lot of ball speed the closer you hit it to the heel if you hit it high toe you don’t lose much ball speed you can hit a sling and draw off the high toe and actually gain more distance all right we have 273 from that water head right there into the breeze downhill this is the coolest shot all day we are hitting down at this green there’s like this cool light green grass in the background it’s just like picture perfect right here yep oh oh that’s as good as I that’s as good as I can hit a shot go go go it’s on the green stay there stay there stop it’s rolling dude that was flush Eagle putt see that’s what happens you just stay patient you get some bad brakes and then you get some good brakes like that and happen to hit a three-wood really good this is Absolut absolutely nuts we are basically off-roading unar P that aren’t even built but there’s just like little Trails it feels like back when I was a kid and used to ride dirt bikes like going off off-roading and going through the trails oh my goodness that was bumpy but that right there one of my best three Woods all year I think my other really good one that I talked about was North Palm Beach against fat Perez that was probably the second best one have oursel the first eagle look of the day I mean I’m not act I’m not acting like that’s a normal thing you you don’t always get Eagle looks probably three or four more no hopefully we have even one more that’d be insane but up the hill one thing about an eagle my dad always said don’t leave it short an eagle putt give it a chance oh my gosh that’s so hard sit gave it a chance it just that’s fine nice thank you didn’t want to make it that stressful but tried to give oursel a run at the Eagle putt takes us back to 200 underpar on the day I was just telling pton over here he’s helping out filming for today I’ve been playing golf for 14 15 years and this is up there with top two best ball striking [Music] days he said the one thing that this golf course has is length another 500 yard y par 4 this is a beast but one of the most beautiful t- shots here I mean so far I would say the best t- shots that I’ve seen whole eight I like that blind one I like nine the signature hole and this one is one of my favorite I think this is a really cool just feel just weird to not have houses right at that mound out there that’s the mound guy that you were talking about yep I mean we might we’re probably going to have 230 in I hit a good drive that probably went about 275 280 just a little uphill into the breeze yeah we’re going to have 230 in On a par 4 hold number 13 out here I’m going to remember one thing and that’s the word long because I hit a great drive and I have 235 to the pin I’m going to go with a full hybrid here into the breeze I’m struggling to almost reach this in two shots chunk it in the bunker kind of tried to trap that one and stay on top of it caught a foot behind it and we’re going to be in that bunker with about 40 yards to the pen wasn’t it but see if we can get up and down now this will be a good save this is not bad at all we are in this bunker almost green side tastes about a 20 yard bunker shot I’m going to go with a 56° a little bit less lofted than my 60 to try and carry it all the way there sand is so new that it’s like perfect Set set set sit all things considered we got a parl on a 500 yard par 4 very big par save opportunity I’m just going to play this just outside the left Edge wow that is a bogey which for me I mean on this hole having a hybrid in doesn’t feel like the worst bogey of the day at all so that drops me back to one under par still inside our goal of breaking 70 and that hole coming up looks incredible I don’t know if that’s a par 3 but it looks incredible the next hole which I thought was a par 4 is actually a par 3 264 from where we’re playing it today that’s either a 3-wood or a big hybrid it’s downhill might be able to hit a Hybrid just because of the downhill part this could be the longest par three on the channel 264 downhill we’re going to aim right of the pin I mean we can’t really take it on it’s tuck I’m just trying to get this anywhere on the green full hybrid it’s going to work kind of where I was aiming oh be good be good yep be good get up there oh yeah I would take that shot every single day of my life on this hole I just tried to move this grasshopper if you guys look right here that’s his head he jumped from here onto the bottom of my shoe he wants to hang hang out with us he’s going to jump on you Sky come on buddy okay he just wants to hang out with us today the lucky grasshopper if you make this are you going to let him stand in the putter while you hit it uh no there he goes right to left pot I mean this hole’s already 264 yards and this putt is one of the trickiest putts we’ve had all day I got to hit that up there it’s going to snap straight left Oh Come Back couldn’t hit it much better what a difficult golf ball yep that was a good stroke hey those were felt like three good shots two solid putts and we walk away way with a bogey backto back Bogies brings us to even par on the day but what a 530 yard par 4 and then a 260 yard par three back to back yep it got it’s got some teeth out here Hur number 10 has some teeth if you play it all the way back but we’re going to have some other opportunities here to make some birdies we are on to now we finally get a little time to calm down and settle in 385 yd par 4 and then we got another 477 so it doesn’t get much easier coming in we’re going to have to earn it if we want to break [Music] 70 hole 15 four more holes to go four more chances to get under par and break 70 coming down to the wire here at Pinehurst number 10 probably go pretty far right things a fade right at that mound out there yeah fade I think it’s right at that mound out there as good as I can hit it there next time I think you’ll need to hit a fade right at that mount out there all right that was pretty good we cut the corner should have a little tiny wedge in 71 yards to the middle from here probably going to want to carry this like 60 yards and we have to hit it soft oh it’s really good it’s getting better disappeared I thought it was going to be short and come back to my feet or not come back to my feet but come off the grain that was risky that was really risky because spinning though it almost didn’t make it past that Ridge there and would have came off the grain slightly left to right down the hill I think it just came off a little right off the face even par the search continues three more holes to go to break 70 we are on the line right now at even par long par 4 this looks like one of the toughest t- shots all day oh stay there stay there it rolled left did you see that yeah I think it crept into the bushes a little bit oh man hit it at the center of the Fairway you almost need to go further right than that I think it crep down crept down right into the rough there that was wild 170 yd downwind we’re in this it’s not bad at all but let’s hit this close and give oursel another birdie look whoa did that fly fly I think it flew it all couldn’t have hit it any better too I guess it was a pitching ledge got to get up and down oh man it’s been a grind it’s been a grind we’re having one of those days where we’re just striking it so well again we’re so close guys we are so close close to breaking through you guys get down here really quick Sky I’m on top of a stick so I’m going to have to raise the club I can go underneath this really easy if I’m not careful pretty straightforward Chip Shot sit there sit there and you can hear how hollow those greens are when they land not a bad shot at all for the par let’s go keeps the dream alive how do I make those that was my best PL all day just contact roll 17 par three then we have one more to go after that this is hey up to this point I could play this golf course almost every day of my life and not get bored [Music] we have made it to hole 17 this is one of the signature holes out here we’re going to play this around 170 yards if I fly this past the pin it will come back so I can be as aggressive as I want with this eight iron it’s not going to go over planing 170 oh no missed it just pulled it a little bit we’re going to have a tricky up and down now really hard up and down if I hit that slope it would have funneled right to the pin but we were that far off this is a must up and down never heard that one before but we have to get up and down if we want to break our goal of 70 we have to hit a high soft flop shot oh man that’s going to be a tough up and down I’m going to have to get really high and really soft going to have to bring a 60 and try hit a flop shot to save car big flop shot got to go for it nope back squared the face up not a bad look I mean it came off the hill here got about 10 12 ft for par we got to have this one for par close that is a bogey that takes us to one over so now we’re going to have to Eagle if we want to break 70 final hole of the day par 4 see if we can hold it out [Music] made it to the final hole 18 I’m going to go right over this little tan Mound 430 yd par 4 let’s finish strong whether we break our goal or not still been an amazing day up to this point fine kicked left too word to describe today day would be close we are so close to a breakthrough I mean we’re reaching new new heights with our golf swing with our ball striking with our distance control slacking in some other areas 58 middle downwind downwind I got a nine iron that’s perfect it’s like the par three yep just like the par 3 158 to the center that pin looks pretty Center just eyeballing it let’s finish with a biry oh no where’d that go kicked a little right landed on the right edge of the green just kicked a hair right I think I’m putting it just disappeared though hopefully we’re on the putting surface give oursel a look great finishing hole here the best part about this Golf Course once again no houses and that’s rare in today’s game to not have any houses on a golf course just feels so secluded out here it’s very peaceful good time to disconnect this is not bad bad whatsoever up the hill I mean shoot I’m being aggressive with this guy almost dead straight when you look at it from that side it’s so much different I like it really straight aggressive maybe slightly moving left shot a little left out of there okay good speed I mean that felt like a 63 that actually felt like a 6 3 well guys that wraps it up for today at Pinehurst number 10 that is a final score of 71 one overpar hopefully you all got to see this entire golf course you know what to expect when you come out here it just felt like a 64 and it was one of my best ball striking days I’ve had other than Pinehurst number two where I shot the 68 it’s crazy just how close we are that was a bad 71 but we’re going to come back strong and we’re going to keep working on this thank you guys so much for watching appreciate every single one of you till next time peace [Music]


  1. That is so funny… 2 birdies in a row and Grant takes a big breath and smiles…. He's hoisting the trophy his mind… The Trophy for lowest score 🙂

  2. love the quality of the golf, the course and the editing/production but after watching Kwon and his mates there is just something different about their vibe and how watchable that group is

  3. Wow. There are people that have never walked a golf course? In the UK a buggy means you are injured or in Spain.

  4. Grant has been dialed in lately. Is it the Carolina air that’s the difference? Also the bird on 11 likely was a buzzard… they’re massive and can look like an eagle from far away.

  5. Grant you played a great round for the first time playing it. I live in NC and have played some of the Pinehurst courses, but this is one I will have to play. Great Video!

  6. I shot -1 today at my local course only my second round under par I birdied the last hole after I missed the green to the left but putting off the green lately I’ve been making so many putts and drained a 35 footer on punched greens to finish -1! I’m usually around 1 or 2 over for 9 holes and been so close so many times to under par! It Felt amazing! Love the content Grant you’ve been killing it!

  7. Grant: I had a ball watching You play Pinehurst 10. Your swing is right on the money. If You had it on the Pinehurst 2 qualifier, I think You would have qualified. Your game is solid and I love watching You play. Your Tube Channel is one of the best out there,

  8. Love watching all your videos at these incredible golf courses. Keep up the awsome videos. Heard you even had mr. Shortgame on the bag at one point.

  9. O…M…G…incredible play, Grant. And wow, what a GC. So much thought gone into design.
    You're doing all you can to beat Bryson to 1M😁. Which is a tall order after his brilliant win at the Open

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