The Addictive Way Of Striking The Golf Ball That Gives Crazy Compression

There is no better feeling in golf than a perfectly struck iron shot from the fairway, but for many amateurs that doesn’t happen often enough and they don’t compress the ball well

In this video I teach you how to get perfectly struck golf shots with compression, and every golfer can do it.

There are a few essential parts that need to be in place and so i run you through step by step just how to achieve those giving you those perfectly struck, compressed golf shots, and they are addictive!!

Once you start striking the ball like this you will never want those poor habits to creep back in.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and help you with your game so drop down into the comments below, i try to get back to everyone, Chris.

#compression #ironshots #pureirons



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00:00 Introduction
00:23 Compression
01:47 Instant Compression Drill
06:19 Delivery Drill

how frustrating is it when you looking forward to round a golf you get onto the course and you’re just not hitting those lines well the ball feels harsh and clunky off the face the balls going all over the place it doesn’t feel great it’s really frustrating well I’m going to fix all that we’re going to talk about how to compress the golf ball more if you can do this the game is going to feel a lot more enjoyable feels great to hit these shots now getting compression isn’t what many golfers think it is it isn’t simply a case of just hitting the center of the club every time you can hit the center and have poor compression and the game is still going to feel difficult it’s not going to feel great of the face come down here let me show you kind of what I mean so when we talk about compression we really talking about impact what happens at impact to to give that feeling that we all want so there’s a couple things we’re going to Target in this video we basically need to be controlling the attack angle we need that club to be traveling more downwards into the golf ball that’s really going to help if you’re too shallow it’s going to be difficult to get the right compression so ATT tack angle we’re going to Target that but then also we need to look at the path of the club if I have my club path moving very much across the golf ball this way with my face open I can hit the center but it’s not going to feel great I’m not compressing the ball I’m not transferring the energy so we also need to make sure we have our path pretty neutral we’re going to work on that as well and then finally we need to make sure we’re controlling where that club face points which controls not only the shape of the shot but it controls the Loft on the golf club as well so if we can get you to have a pretty neutral path and a tack angle which is down and a controlled Club face you’re going to get more compression that’s going to feel much better when you hit the golf shot that’s going to give you those results that you want now this is based on a recent lesson that I gave with the students so we’re going to do a little impact drill which is going to Target those three things and then I want to cover something in swing which is really holding this golfer back and there’s a very good chance it’ll be holding you back as well so we’re going to cover that as well let’s set up the first drill so I’d love you to go ahead and set up a little station like I’ve done here um I’ve used an alignment stick and I’ve used well I’ve used a putting mat here as my reference you can use a head cover or something equally like that so I had my target line and this was angled outside the ball but slightly to the right of my target that’s really really important and then just in front of my putting mat I’ve placed my alignment stick and you can see that it’s around about one and a half Club head wids behind the golf ball if I’m hitting the center of the golf club and let’s say even when I hit the center my weight is backing up my club is moving from out to in and my club face is open and I know that I’m talking to you because that is one of the most common patterns that I see with the irons wait back Club out to win face open you can hit the center every single time and it’s not going to feel great and what I’d love you to do from this setup is actually just go on to one leg so all of my weight is on my lead leg okay so you can see that there my back leg is literally just there for a little bit of balance but there’s no weight on it and what that does it puts me in front of the golf ball bear in mind this is a drill it’s not necessarily where you want to be this is going to give you the feels that you really are after weighted on this lead leg okay and that’s going to help me land the club on the ground but pretty easily miss that alignment stick I’d find it actually quite difficult to hit the alignment stick from there so what this little setup is going to do is it’s going to help me land the club in the right place if you land the club in the right place that’s basically your attack angle kind of tick to if your attack angle is too shallow you’ll be landing the club too soon and if you’re someone who backs up you’re going to really feel that in this little exercise so weight on the lead leg I call that the flamingo drill it’s really going to help now what’s the bag there for well the bag is very simply there to control the path the delivery position I cannot simply cannot hit that golf ball from an out to in position because this would get in the way I’d clatter it I’d get some feedback so this bag is bit of feedback but it’s also a nice visual I can see from here the direction I want my club to move into the golf ball because we angled it slightly out to the right that’s a neutral path because remember the club’s working on an arc it will be traveling slightly into out slightly into out into out into out pretty neutral and then back to the inside so that’s why this bag is angled slightly on the outside as it is now when I move my club back notice how the club is pointing slightly down towards the ground that’s really clear I want to avoid anything where the face is pointing up so Club pointing down towards the ground and what I should be able to do from here is take some little shots that are going to go very low I want them to finish on target if not a little left because that’s me controlling the face remember I don’t want to be leaving that face open that increases Loft and de decreases compression so if I can hit some little shots where I land the club I miss this and I finish the ball on target I have ticked all those three things I’ve got my attack angle my path and my face it’s going to feel phenomenal even though the ball might go 30 yards max it’s going to feel great of the face let me show you what that would look like so we’re going to go set up this takes a little bit of kind of adjusting but you can see how the ball is maybe some 4 in inside my heel I’m in front of the golf ball I’m going to move the club back land the club on the ground and see if can finish this ball on if not left of that Target that is perfect have a quick look at this now there’s no diot but you can probably just about see where I landed the club it was around about here and that was ideal because this is where my ball was the reason there’s no diver is simply the speed I used it wasn’t fast enough to create that diver but you saw the ball flies it was low it was drawing and I tell you what it felt phenomenal off the face and if you’re someone who’s probably never had that feeling this drill is going to be fantastic because you’re going to hit shots and you’re going to be your eyes are going to be open to what actually a good golf shot can feel like and it feels great let me show you that again miss the bag land the club that finished a little bit right but it still felt phenomenal I still landed the club in the right place this practice station is brilliant this could be possibly the first time that many of you will be feeling and sensing what a great impact is like what really high compressed shots feel like and once you feel that you’re never going to want to go back so once we know what the impact feels like now let’s go through kind of Swing F which holds so many golers back that was certainly the case for the student that I helped yesterday and we’re going to go through a drill which is going to help you fix that there’s a certain swing trait floor movement which I see all the time which really kind of robs you of that compression and that strike it’s actually to do with your Trail arm and how it’s positioned in the down swing let me explain what I what I mean this Trail arm is so important if you can get this moving correctly you’re going to get those things that we spoke about a moment ago kind of for free almost so let’s take a set of this golf ball and let’s talk about a delivery position okay a delivery position would be wrists have worked the club up arms are rotated the club out to the right this is kind of where we would be in our dowsing from here we would then you know deliver the club so there’s two things present there we’ve got the wrist set and the Forum rotation okay this is what I see all too often as the golfer comes down towards delivery position when we look at it from the face on it may look like it’s okay those things are in place but when we look from the down the line my trail elbow is kind of stuck to my side and when we look from the face on you’ll see that it’s sort of touching the side of my body now from here my trail arm or Trail elbow simply cannot continue to move towards the target so what happens well it gets stuck and you flip because you can’t get that elbow in front the only possible way that you could do that would be if you had the most amount of body turn that you could possibly have where the arm can still be stuck on the side but for many of you it’s just not feasible to get that amount of rotation we don’t have the bodies that we did when we were in our teens and our early 20s so when this elbow gets stuck to the side you are always going to struggle to get compression on the golf or you’re going to flip it You’ got to get this elbow in front now here’s the key to doing that watch what happens when I from this down the line position try and find my delivery position we go wrist set that works the club up now watch what happens as I rotate my arms guess what the elbows got stuck to my side how do I avoid that well it’s all to do with where the grip is relative to your body watch as I do that again up and watch where this grip goes relative to me okay stayed in its similar sort of position now let me show you a different position wrist hinge now I want you to watch where this grip goes now notice how it moved away from me what that does is it allows me to get to here where we’ve got those things in place but look where my trail arm is it’s not stuck to my side it’s in front of me where is it from face on it’s in front of my right hip so now I can quite comfortably deliver it forwards get the arm into good position get the hands forward get the shaft length forwards really compress the golf ball so it’s all to do with where this elbow is relative to your hip if you get it stuck good luck you’re always going to be flippy you’re always going to be shallow you’re always going to be launching it high it’s not going to feel great so here’s the exercise I want you to do you”ll noticed that I’ve got an alignment stick on the ground now I’m going to talk to you about how this looks from my viewpoint so when you do this it will make a lot more sense you can see it through the cameras but it will make more sense as you set up to the golf ball when I take a setup to this golf ball as I look down my hands look as if they are right between my feet okay they’re right in here okay and if I was to sort of move my hands like this to me they now look as if they’re above the ball I appreciate they’re not but from my viewpoint it looks like they’re above my ball so hands are for me between my heels if I come back to a delivery position and my hands are between my heels my elbow is stuck going to flip it release it early can’t do that so here’s your delivery position you need to be getting at delivery your hands to look as if they’re above the alignment stick now my trail ALB is in position it’s bent it’s leading it’s in front of my hip it’s clear over my body I’ve got space and I’ve got room now how many of you have said to yourself it doesn’t feel like you got the room doesn’t feel like you got the space maybe it feels cramped this is often the reason why so these are great little rehearsals you can just take a setup hands are between the heels back swing work it down hands are over the stick hands are over the stick now watch what happens to my hands as I deliver the club where do they go we put a little line or a DOT on my hands as I deliver the club they go back in towards my body slightly in towards my body so my hands are actually moving up and in an impact every golfer does that okay we can measure that that does not mean that is where the club is going because we can get the grip moving in One Direction and the club moving in another Direction now I’ve done videos similarly in the past and the comments are always if my hands are further away will I not shank it no you won’t this is how the arms actually move because look what happens we’ll Lo go this down line camera again Watch What Happens as I go from here and I rotate my arms the grip goes away from me so what happens when I move my hands back to where they were well the grrip moves back towards me so just because the hands have gone out when you actually release the club the hands will come back in so don’t worry about the hands being further out it’s not that you’re going to keep them out and shank it Watch What Happens as I do this we go set hands out and then as I hit the ball my hands come back in that wasn’t the best shot it’s g a little bit left but my hands are going to work back in but what it will give you is that compression so my student yesterday needed did some of this his elbow was stuck he was flipping wasn’t getting that compression so this is the drill that I gave him took a setup up to the top get into that space elbows in front little back swing and go through from there and we can start to get that real compression get that squeeze on the golf ball and get those strikes that I know you’re all after I’d love you to go try though the first little exercise is great it’s going to give you that feeling and sensation of controlling those three elements that we need and then make sure you’re not falling into that position of getting that elbow stuck because if you are everything becomes more difficult get that elbow into some space and you’ll have a lot more success


  1. The depth of analysis in this thread is unparalleled. It's like attending a masterclass in critical thinking.🌺

  2. How much distance would you guess I would lose while playing off one leg ? I would definitely sacrifice some distance for better contact.

  3. Another great video. Just curious on your previous videos with striking the impact bag when it is placed behind you to avoid over the top swings. Do we not need an exaggerated weight shift anymore? Can we just set up with the weight more forward?

  4. Hi Chris
    .. thanks for a great video. Recently I have started compressing the occasional shot which flies straighter and spins more so I’ve made progress. Having tried many different things over the past two years I have discovered that the action of the right arm is vital. I have found that hitting ball first then turf won’t always give compression.

    If we don’t intentionally extend the right arm down towards the ground at impact there won’t be compression. This action also causes a proper extension after the ball and nice full follow through.

    You might make a video on the action of the right arm through impact, might be an idea for an video in my opinion, thanks.

  5. I was given that drill 20 years ago as a young junior to stop me from "coming over the top" lol. Damn I feel OLD 😢

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